Papa's got a brand new bag and he REALLY likes it!

Jan 19, 2011 15:40

The Player
Name/Nickname: The name is Carolyn, but most folks call me "Ramen". ;D
Personal LJ: (I love new friends!)
IM: bubblegumofficer
Past Experiences: Hnngh- I spend alot of time on milliways_bar.
Other Characters: None yet?..But that'll change?...

The Character
Character Name: Special Agent Jacob Paul Norris (Paul Norris)
Character Journal:

Canon: 30 Days of Night.
Age: 38 (at time of turning)
Race: Vampire. Formerly Human.
Timeline: If we go by Comic Canon (which I am, because the sequel to the original brilliant film sucked the asses of many donkeys) Then Norris comes in just before issue three-meaning he is a full fledged and slightly confused vampire.

Abilities/Powers: Okay. Steve Niles looked at traditional vampire lore and said, "Dude. Seriously? Attractive pretty boys and girls who spend their time bemoaning their existence yet having the occasional amount of fun being undead? vampires who-well-sparkle in the sunlight? No. [cue Bale-Rant]

From this (and a rather neat article about Alaskan towns and the amount of drinking done in them) was born 30 days of night which can be summed up in, "Vampires come and raid town. People die. People kill vampires. The End." These vampires are strong, ugly, and downright nasty. But, as Norris (And chances are others of his ilk) would say, do you honestly care about a cow when you eat it?

Anyway, these vampires do not sparkle. They do not brood, they do not bemoan better days. While they're moderately attractive, they have several differentiating characteristics from your standard vampire. Standard vampires are:

-Particularly Pale
-Attractive (or somewhat, playing into societal ideas about attractive mysterious men I guess)
- Can pass for human.
- Their canines are fangs
-Are occasionally assholes.
-Burst into flames in the sunlight

30 Days of Night vampires:

-Particularly pale
- Attractive to a point
- Cannot pass for human easily due to their all-black (scolera contact lenses) eyes and mouths full of teeth. The older you are, the nastier you look. Instead of two neat puncture marks, you get full on shark mouth, and sharks gnaw on their food.

-Have long claws that they cannot retract at any point in time. They're much more nosferatu vampires then Ann Rice pussies. (The writer would like to say she does not think Ann Rice vampires are pussies. She'd like to think that'd be what Niles was going for in his writing.

- Are assholes. This does not stop in any way-shape-or form. They think human beings are beneath them utterly.

The asshole part and lack of common courtesy is due to the fact that they're thirsty. While not drinking blood won't turn them into monsters like some movies, it is a constant need. Picture being a junkie who does alot of Meth. Then picture just how much of a pull that would have on you. Understandably, they're a little bit upset-no more so then Paul. He didn't ask for this.

Generally, you can check out the wiki-link for more information. Because Wiki-Links (like the news says) provide information. Sometimes it's even information you want to know. ;D

Also, it has been demonstrated canonically that if blood is spilled on their ashes they will regenerate.

Power Limitations:

Vampires, while super-powered endowed, have weaknesses. They cannot walk out in the sunlight, they look butt ugly, and cold naturally dulls their sense of smell, sight, and hearing. (They become like regular humans even though they'd technically operate on the level of dogs.)

Okay. Technically in 30 DoN the vampires are made to be the ideal predator and they're generally pissed. The average scale from vampire to human could possibly be described like this: Humans can rip apart several sheets of paper. Vampires can rip apart phone books. Like, the big thick kinds of phone books that you don't really use anymore because Google has all the information that you need.

Ideally (and this is ideal and I'd be open to discuss it) I'd like to present two options if I may. I'm partial to option A, but I'd like to go from what the modly team wants.

A- Vampires in 30 DoN are pretty much handicapped by nature. Even at night with all their superior skills they are bug nuts ugly. You could-unless the vampire happened to be wearing glasses-pick them out of a crowded room without blinking. Norris cannot in any way shape or form pass for human (he's both too young and I really don't want him to) So that-given that you'd be looking for people to perform cleansings- he makes a pretty damn good target for anybody who would want to fuck with him. Ergo, he could keep his sight, smell, and hearing abilities along with his super strength?

B- Half everything and treat his super senses like when the vampires went to Barrow-cold dulls everybody's senses and vampires are no exception. Plus, he'd still be a walking target, although a dangerous one given that he's still much stronger then the average human.

I...would really like to discuss this, but if I see no notes on it, then I'll be operating with option A and just...operate that this guy is really ugly, really dangerous, and yet a massive target for anyone interested. Steve Niles draws these guys as monsters See?, let's pretend he looks like that.

Also, I'm going to remove the regeneration aspect (unless you guys think it'd make a good plot line?) For now however, I'm going to operate that if Norris gets staked that's it, game over. Unless...we could regenerate him. (He is such a loveable bastard)

Inventory Norris is a bit of a pack rat and somehow (god, these abilities will probably never leave us) He has managed to maintain carrying his wallet, keys, and trenchcoat with him. So:

-Wallet. California Driver's License, Credit Cards, 200 dollars cash.
-Badge. Despite no longer working for the bureau (yeah, turns out when you die you actually leave a government job) he still carries his badge and considers it a tool of authority-to use and abuse.
- Gun. Standard issue Glock 9mm with a second clip. That's it. He's still young (in vampire terms) enough however to think that he should fire it pretty regularly.
- Shirt, Tie, suit. Shoes. He's a G-Man. His wardrobe is nothing particularly spectacular.

Personality: Taken from 30 DoN: Dark Days, 30 DoN: Return to Barrow, and 30 DoN: Rumors of the Undead

Jacob Paul Norris doesn't bullshit. The combination of a crappy childhood and a feeling of inferiority has made him a bit of a crass jerk. A womanizer, you find his ilk in bars after work watching football and making comments about the cheerleaders. Standard Guy stereotype. He's not afraid to swear, he's not afraid to get physical, and generally he's not afraid to kill people who he doesn't give a crap about. He has a rated R mouth and turning him into a vampire has released a sort of sadism that has in all honesty surprised himself.

Before all the vampire stuff went down however, he had a fierce loyalty streak that ran to the bureau, his wife Marilyn, his daughters, and his partner Andy Gray, all people he would willingly have gone apeshit to defend, vampire or no. Gradually as he slips more and more into his undead lifestyle, he could care less about the human condition or the humans he has suddenly been raised above.

As a vampire, he is an asshole times ten. He isn't afraid to do any of the things societal constraints would have constrained him form doing and is apt to do them if you piss him off or make him angry. While it's hard for him to make friends outside of other vampires, at this point he's apt to listen to humans and retains (given his canon point) enough humanity to know to take care of himself and try and figure out just what's happening to him and how he can both capitalize on it and keep himself from hurting others. There is a very telling scene in Rumors wherein Norris asks his former partner to figure out how to kill him because he "cannot control himself".

This is in part because he doesn't have a sire-Stella Olemaun (heroine of 30 DoN, who along with her husband stopped the first attack on Barrow) killed Lilith, the woman who turned him. Lost and confused, most of his outbursts are motivated by confusion and anger at the fact that while he managed to keep his desires under control he can no longer seem to. And he likes the lack of control-which bothers him more.

He has a very real sense of "Gallows" humor, and will make a joke about a body-weather he killed it or no. It's a defense mechanism alot of entertainment!law enforcement officials adopt and Paul is in fact, FBI. Or Ex-FBI. He's not really sure himself.


There's no specific entry for Norris, and even then he's a minor character so there's not much known about his personality. The following is obtained mostly from Rumors of the Undead and personal headcanon.

Jacob Paul Norris grew up in southern California to a father who passed on his name before passing off Paul's personal radar, and a mother who-apparently hit hard by her husband's leaving-decided that drinking her pain away was the best way to deal with her own troubles. Paul was frequently left alone as a child and had to clean up after his mother, leaving him out of the activities of other children. He thinks of his child as beginning the day he turned 18 and left his mother-going to community college.

Paul worked hard in community college. He achieved his associate's degree and got scholarships to move onto his masters and somehow, Somehow passed the FBI's psych test. For all of his dark humor and personal habits, buried beneath that was a desire to be liked and accepted-and he blossomed under the idea that he was by both his partner and his friends. He built a new family within the FBI for himself and it was a good one.

Paul's closest relationship is with Andy Gray, his best friend and partner. The two came up through the academy together and-through mutual luck-became the sort of neighbors where their kids had parties, their wives were friends and there were regular BBQs. All about the American Dream right?

Right until Paul and Andy were put on the Olemaun case. There had always been rumors about supernatural happenings-the X-files was commissioned by the bureau to stave off people questioning it, but strange occurances are normal in the world of 30 DoN, so when Stella published her book on the Barrow attack, Andy and Paul were sent to LA to investigate. Andy moved off to do some work at the office, Paul tailed the olemaun woman and was caught-as night fell, in a dark alleyway. He was brought to Lilith, and as Andy puts it "within 24 hours, Paul had vanished off the face of the earth."

Paul was made into a Renfield, the in between stage before being turned into a fully fledged vampire. Completely under Lilith's control, he shot several of Stella's allies before managing to retrieve information that had been kept and that the vampires had intended to expose to the world. He came into contact with Andy during this time and insisted that his partner "Find a way to kill him" before Paul broke loose and escaped the jail. He attempted to return to Lilith, only to find that Cool guys walk away from explosions.

Abandoned by the death of his sire, Paul succumbed and turned into a full fledged vampire without the benefits of guidance. He's a guy caught between two worlds, the living and the dead, and while his inclination is toward the world of the dead he's unable to function without skills that he learned in the world of the living. Prior to arriving at Icarus, Paul is moving from town to town, leaving a trail of hidden human bodies in his wake.

You may be wondering why I don't use the 30 DoN: Dark Days movie backstory. That's because as far as I'm concerned, they only made the one film. Disappointing. It could have been so good.

First Person Sample:

...Cute. Here I thought I was having a good time out and that this was just another fuckin' hangover and instead I get this little...iphone...thing. At least I think it's an iphone. I'm not so much into technology. That's for pussies and no-dicks who can't cut it as a field agent.

Okay. So. This is new. And I'm used to new, despite being sick of new. New needs to stop and get the hell out of my life.

New sights, smells, and feelings are one thing-but new places are quite another, and this sure as shit isn't the backwoods of fucking nowhere. Where the hell am I and what the fuck is going on?

Write it out Sample:

There comes a time in every agent's life when he has to admit defeat and trudge back to the bureau with his tail between his legs. Paul Norris died before he had that moment. He seemed cursed however to have it in his after life, and riding the high of becoming a lion in the jungle meant crashing down like this was just-well- shit.

Shit, pure grade-a horse manure. He'd never seen Lilith or the others in moments of weakness, but this was enough to put him off his feed forever (so to speak). He'd known the beginnings of the hunger but this..his thirst had doubled. Tripled. Before he'd died he'd called Lilith a cocky bitch and a whore and her friends were stupid idiots and all sorts of other things but perhaps the notion that being a monster could drive you insane held merit. He certainly felt crazy.

Imagine a feeling. He gripped the handle to his room, Imagine the worst feeling in the world and double it by ten. when he was eight he'd gotten stuck at the local pool. His mother had forgotten to pick him up from the place and his class had been over and the teachers had all gone except for an annoyed janitor who sat with the poor kid. Paul had been there til midnight and when he'd gotten home he'd been so hungry he ate cheese and bacon and sauce and didn't bother to cook it or ask his mother for something else to eat. There were moments there he thought about leaping back over the fence and drinking pool water.

This was like that. This was worse then that. It crawled inside his brain and ate up rationality and sense, it curled inside his chest and periodically punched his organs one by one. He was thirsty. He wanted blood, sweet blood, greater then any bacon or cheese or anything else he'd ever had, he wanted flesh beneath his hands, wanted to bite and rip and tear and no matter how much he attempted to talk his brain into patience, the feeling only grew stronger.

His mind-his inner mind-drifted to another plane during these moments and compared this to what large cats and dogs must feel. The primal need, somehow in going to the top of the food chain he was back at the very bottom and thinking only of his basest instincts. He wanted to kill. He needed to kill and to feed and once he did that the feeling would stop-right until he needed it again. His legs buckled as he gripped the cheap brass of the hotel room knob, hand clenched around his gut.


Her name was Tish. He liked to remember their names. He was still between the point of wanting to remember them to relive killing them and wanting to remember them as some sort of honor to their memory. I'm not a bad guy. I'm just a guy. I was a bit of a fucking idiot but do I really deserve this?

The thirst swallowed him. He smiled at her, an inhuman smile, and as she opened her mouth to scream he put a hand over it , closing it and the door behind them.


Later, much later, like a carnivore after a kill, he lay amid the horrors that he had caused and reached for a semblance of humanity that would have cared about what he'd just done to a woman who had never hurt him.

He found him, staring at him in disgust, wearing the uniform he'd worn so proudly, a sign of all the hard work, lifting him from a life of nothing to a life of power.

"I'm sorry."

He licked his lips, tasting Tish, tasting her remains, teeth cutting into his skin as his claws clutched the carpet. His former life stared back at him in contempt.

Not sorry enough.

"Fuck you man." Norris climbed to his feet, feeling better then he had in days, "...Fuck you."

He left a few hours later, the maid was named Constanza. She would later die in a mental institution, raving about the undead and the murders they caused.

Other Notes: Hnng. The world needs bad guys. Nobody ever thinks about apping bad guys. Looking for someone to purge and be an agent of evil? this guy. Expect good guys from me? Oh yeah. Better believe it.
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