Title: Not One That Can Easily Hide
Genre: Romance/Fluff
Pairing(s): England/America, hints of Germany/Veneziano
Rating/Warnings: Mild Swearing
Summary: America isn't that good at hiding his love from the other nations, but England still remains oblivious. First three here!
Prompt: Five times America shows his love for England to other people and one time he shows it to England (or vice versa).
Veneziano yawned and covered his mouth with his hand. He was listening to Germany and trying to stay awake but he made it so hard. Veneziano loved Germany, he really did, but no one else wanted to hear an half hour lecture on why their filing system done correctly was so important. And not even Northern Italy believed the world would collapse into a fiery pit of brimstone if some paperwork was filed wrongly.
Veni looked up and down the long wooden table where the other nations of the world were sitting and saw that everyone was in the same mind as him: sheer boredom. Most of the nations were sleeping or blatantly not listening, even Russia had a glazed look around his eyes.
Next to Veneziano, America had been doodling on his notes for the past forty-five minutes. Italy could not blame him, his notes were filled with doodles of Italian flags and plates of pasta, but he was curious about what America was drawing that meant he had to concentrate so hard.
The Italian nation subtly - he could do subtle, no matter what Germany said - glanced at America's paper and managed to crane his head in such a way that he could see through a small gap in America's arms. They were sprawled across the table, obviously trying to keep his paper from view, but Veneziano managed to capture sight of the small ink drawing on the corner of his paper.
It was England. The other nation could be clearly recognised even though the cheap biro America had used. His expression was thoughtful, his eyebrows drawn down and almost covering his eyes, even though a small hint of green could be seen. America had filled the green in with a colouring pencil stolen from someone and it was the only colour in the black and white picture. What took Veneziano's breath away was the talent behind the picture, it was England, right down to the slight frown lines around his mouth. The amount of care America must have taken to draw it was obvious behind the drawing. There was not a line out of place and it was - he looked up to check - a perfect replica of the England sitting across from them at the table.
His gasp must have notified America that he had been discovered because he looked up from his drawing in panic and looked straight at Veneziano. Next America turned away from the other nation and put his pen down on paper again, obviously going to erase the drawing in a mess of black before Italy spoke,
"Don't." There was nothing else to say, Veneziano could give no reason, but America halted his pen and left the drawing alone.
"Veneziano?" Veneziano and America looked up at Germany who had stopped talking and neither of them had noticed. "Did you want to say something?" All the other nations were starting to stir, the monotonous voice having stopped.
"No Germany. Nothing to say." Veneziano smiled at the blonde man. Germany nodded and turned back to his speech, much to the protest of France who had noticed the pause and was not delighted to be diving straight back into the mind-numbing speech.
"Thank you," America whispered to Veneziano with a tentative smile. The other nation returned the smile. He would not say anything to anyone about the drawing, but love like that could not be hidden for long.
Hey England, can I come over? You promised that you would read the book, I have it from him now. It's awesome, you'll love it. And look, I'm texting you before showing up this time! And not using text chat. :) Xxx
Wrong person America.
Sorry Canada, I didn't see your number there. Hey, want to come around for a game of baseball later this week?
Sure. One question though.
Where's my kisses? England gets them and I don't?
Shut up.
"Why so grumpy England?" France asked, sliding up beside the other nation. "Is it sexual frustration or something more? Big brother France can help with that." The next thing France knew was the ground as England's fist forced him downwards.
"Why does France always annoy England like that? It takes up valuable drinking time," Prussia complained as he watched England rub France's face into the carpet. Spain watched the two nations as well, an absent-minded look on his face.
"France just likes to wind England up. It's like you winding Germany up," Spain answered, covering his mouth as he yawned.
"England is a sour puss, just like West." Prussia often grumbled about this and Spain could often nod along without paying any attention at all. However when it came to insulting England, Spain was all for it.
"He's so irritable isn't he? I don't know why anyone would want to go near him. He sucks all the fun out of everything," Spain said to Prussia in a low voice and Prussia laughed.
"England funsucker. Even when he's drunk, he's miserable."
"Shut up." Prussia and Spain turned to see America glaring at them fiercely. "Don't talk about him like that."
"Why not? You talk about him like that all the time," Prussia challenged and Spain smirked at America. In response America drew himself up and crossed his arms. All of them were the same height but there was no disagreement that America was more solid than either Prussia or Spain and managed to look threatening even while wearing a South Park tie.
"Because you mean your insults, I never mean mine. Except for the ones about his cooking. You're just being assholes," America said firmly and Prussia sneered.
"Doesn't change the fact that England is a grumpy bastard," he pointed out.
"I know. But he's my grumpy bastard, so leave the hell off," America stood his ground and Prussia and Spain backed off, well aware of what America was saying. He had given them warning and now whatever they did was on their head.
I knew I never worked well with a deadline but at least this deadline is reasonable, it's just me procrastinating. The next three will be up soonish, I just need to write the last one and do some heavy editing to the other two.