Between The Two of Us

Aug 02, 2012 11:14

Title: Between the Two of Us

Genre: Romance/Fluff

Pairing(s): fem!US/fem!UK

Word Count: 2,134

Rating/Warnings: 12, genderbends

Summary: Amelia wanted the Prince that Disney has promised her. The fact that she fell in love with another girl was just a bump in the road. AU. Done for the ' Someday My Prince Will Come' prompt.

"Alright, one of us has to be the prince," Amelia said firmly. She had read somewhere that if you have confidence in yourself, then people will believe you. It hasn't worked for her ideas on giant robots, but for everything else it had been a success. However, she had to convince the hardest person of all, her girlfriend, Alice Kirkland.

Alice lowered her book and stared up at Amelia with rare confusion. Normally she understood Amelia, even when she came up with the most random thing in her head at the time, but today she was completely at a loss.

"What are you talking about?"

Amelia threw herself down at Alice's side and looked very determined. She was right and she would get Alice to agree, even if she liked to be difficult sometimes. "One of us has to be the Prince. There's a Valentine's Day dance coming up and it's a Prince and Princess dress up. One of us should go as the Prince, and one should go as a Princess. I refuse to dress up unless we're going to do it properly. Neither one of us has... male parts so we get to decide who's the Prince."

Alice was following the logic, mostly. It was useful to have known Amelia for a while already. However, she just had to make one thing clear.

"Not me."

"Not me." Unfortunately, they had both spoken in unison and realised this at the same time. They glared at each other. Amelia folded her arms and Alice put down her book before they engaged in a staring contest.

"What are you two doing?" Amelia's brother, Matthew, asked when he spotted the two of them by the window. Amelia blinked out of surprise and Alice immediately claimed her victory.

"No fair, Matt distracted me! We'll have to find some other way to decide." After that was settled, Amelia turned to her brother. He always picked some of the worst times to show up. "Yeah, Matt? What do you want?"

"It's my room!" Matthew pointed out in a frustrated tone. Amelia always 'forgot' that, throwing him out of the room when she and Alice wanted to be alone. Not that he really wanted to see his sister make out with her girlfriend, but couldn't they do it behind a MacDonald's like normal teenagers?

"Your point?" Amelia countered, before turning back at Alice. She had buried her nose back in her book, worried about eavesdropping on a sibling conversation so had attempted to look busy. "Allllliiiiiiccceeee," Amelia drawled, bending over so her top gaped at the neck, just a little. Alice glanced at her, down and then fixed her eyes back on her book.

"No, and don't think that's going to work." Alice was using the voice that meant there was no chance of her yielding. But Amelia was stubborn as well.

"Rock, paper, scissors?" Amelia asked brightly and Alice looked at her, with one eyebrow raised. Her attention was off her book at least.

"I think you act more like a Prince than I do," Alice pointed out and Amelia drew back, looking at Alice in horror. This was not how it was supposed to go, Disney had told Amelia that her Prince would come. Her falling in love with a girl had put a spanner in the works but she would get her Prince.

"Fine. How about, whoever acts more like a Prince over the week has to dress up?" Alice thought this over for a moment before nodding.

"Deal." She answered and Amelia grinned before leaping on her girlfriend and kissing the life out of her. Matthew made a disgusted sound behind her but she ignored him, knowing that he would leave soon. Alice had agreed to a game with her and it meant that the week before the dance was promising to be just as fun as the  dance itself.


The dance was for Valentine's Day while the actual Valentine's Day was on the Tuesday of that week. Alice had promised Amelia that she would take her to a fair that weekend, knowing that she would enjoy that far more than a fancy restaurant, but she still felt guilty for not doing anything on the actual day itself so she got Amelia a surprise.

"Amelia," Alice said quietly, not wanting to interrupt her conversation with Kiku, but needing to talk to her before class started again. Amelia turned and Kiku smiled, before disappearing with a quiet goodbye. She knew there was a reason she liked Kiku, even though she had been jealous of him when Amelia and her had first started going out.

"Yeah, Alice?" Amelia's large blue eyes were staring at her and Alice felt like it was hard to draw breath.

"H-Happy Valentine's Day, Amelia," Alice said, handing over the flower she had kept behind her back. It was a rose, cliché but Amelia would appreciate the cheesy romance of it all. And, indeed, a grin spread across her face.

"Awww, Ally, you shouldn't have." Amelia took the rose, free from thorns, before stepping closer to Alice. She felt her face growing red as Amelia started to play with her hair, twisting between her fingers and smiling at Alice as if she had a secret. And she said she didn't know how to flirt!

"It's Valentine's Day. I had to do something," Alice managed to explain and Amelia leaned closer. There was a fleeing kiss on her lips just as the bell rang.

"It's very sweet but this is a thing a Prince would do!" Amelia sang out as she turned away to go to her lesson. Alice took a moment to think over her words (it wasn't her fault Amelia was so... distracting) before remembering their conversation at the weekend.

"Hey!" She yelled but Amelia had already disappeared around the corner with a laugh. Alice smiled to herself as she started to walk to her lesson. She would have to remember this.


"Where are we going to sit?" Alice looked around at the very busy dining room. It seemed like everyone in the whole school was eating lunch right now.

"Babe, I'll handle this," Amelia said confidently, spying a table where everyone had finished eating and they were just lingering to talk to each other. Well, they could do that at other places. "Come with me." Alice followed Amelia, feeling very curious.

"Amelia?" She asked when her girlfriend stopped and turned around.

"Like I was saying, my period was really bad on the weekend. I had really bad cramps, it was like my uterus had decided to stage a protest!" Amelia said in what seemed to be an unnecessarily loud voice. Alice was about to quiet her down when she realised that several people on the nearest table were looking at Amelia with disgust. She glared at them before turning back to listen to Amelia.

"Did you take any painkillers?" Alice asked sympathetically and Amelia grinned, looking slightly reluctant.

"I did and I curled up on bed with my hot water bottle, which felt really nice." There was quiet for a moment. "Hey, what does it mean when the tampon's string is covered in blood as well? Do I need to get a bigger tampon or something?"

"Er... Probably," Alice replied, her usual eloquence thrown out the window by what her girlfriend was saying. This was probably not what people wanted to hear when they were eating and Alice was trying to figure out a way of saying it without Amelia talking louder about it after her protest, just to be frustrating.

"And it was all brown...." there was a great racket as the table behind Amelia completely emptied of people. They walked off with their trays, looking back at Amelia as if she was insane. Amelia ignored these stares and turned to Alice with a triumphant look on her face. "There we go. Somewhere to sit."

Alice laughed as she finally got it. "Love, you are brilliant sometimes." They sat down, Amelia almost unbearably smug with how Alice had actually admitted, out loud, that she was brilliant! "For that, you can be my Prince." Then she had to ruin it.

"Nuh uh!" Amelia denied quickly, although she knew it was futile. If they were being categorised into Prince and Princess, then the actions went into the Prince column. "Damn," Amelia swore as she ate one of her chips. "I need to get you to catch up."

Alice smirked. "Not going to happen."


The night of the dance they were still even at the score and neither of them knew what they would dress up as. The two of them were on Amelia's bed, wondering over what they would do. The game had been fun but they had both thought that either there would be a winner, or someone would cave and just agree to be the Prince. Matthew walked in on them thinking over the topic.

"What are you guys doing?" He asked, obviously getting ready for the dance with his Prince costume all ready.

"We're trying to debate over who is going to be Prince. Both of us have got Princess dresses and neither one of us wants to be a Prince," Amelia said, leaning her head against Alice's stomach.

"Are you guys still fighting over this?" Matthew sounded shocked and a little annoyed. Amelia would glare at him but she was very comfortable at the moment. "Look, if it matters to you guys so much that you can't go as two Princesses, I'll go with Alice as her Prince and my friend, Toris can be Amelia's." Both of them sat up and stared at Matthew.

"That is very kind of you, Matthew," Alice said, sounding impressed and Amelia threw her a sharp look. She was feeling an uncomfortable ill feeling in her stomach and she really did not like the idea of Matthew being Alice's Prince. She knew Toris and she knew that he was just a friend (plus he was dating someone called Feliks who went to a posh private school) but Alice got on with people like Matthew very well. Sharing a romantic Valentine's Day dance with someone else was not how Amelia thought she would be spending tonight.

"No," Amelia said firmly and Matthew stared, looking completely unsurprised. She would not be shocked if he had planned this all. Everyone thought that Matt was really sweet and nice but she knew, having grown up with him, that he had a sneaky, devious side.

"Amelia, you wanted to have a Prince and Princess at this dance. Matthew is suggesting a perfectly sensible idea and you say no?" Alice was confused and more than a bit irritated but at least she was not smiling at Matthew that small, sincere smile that was Amelia's only.

"I want to go with you. If both of us have to go as Princesses, then that's fine, but I want to be your date to the dance." Amelia was firm in this and Alice stared at her for a moment, before turning red. It was a embarrassed, I-can't-believe-you-said-that-in-front-of-someone-else red, rather than an angry, I'm-going-to-kill-you-Amelia red. Amelia kissed Alice, unable to stop herself. "Come on, let's get ready."

The next few hours were dedicated to looking as beautiful as they could. Amelia knew that she looked beautiful, the look on Alice's face just confirmed it, but she was not prepared for how ethereal Alice would look. She was always beautiful, simply because Amelia loved her and she knew that Alice loved her back, but today, she was amazing.

"I'm guessing you approve," Alice said in a pleased, smug voice. Amelia nodded, still speechless. The dress was green, almost matching her eyes, which seemed to glow beside the dress. It was almost Victorian in design, while Amelia had gone for a more fairytale dress, but it was fitted rather closely and Amelia gave into the urge to slip an arm around her waist.

"Oh, I definitely approve." She wanted to clutch a hand in Alice's hair like she always did when she was about to kiss her but she didn't want to ruin her hair, swept into an up-do, or her make-up. There was time for that later so now she just settled for a quick peck. "I love you." Her voice was quiet, meant to be private between the two of them, just as Alice liked it. Alice smiled.

"I love you too." She stroked a hand down Amelia's cheek and returned the kiss, a little harder this time.

"Time to go, Mimi!" Matthew's voice yelled up at the stairs and Amelia almost groaned in frustration. Talk about ruining a moment.

"We're coming! And don't call me Mimi!" Amelia turned back to Alice. "Ready to go, Princess?"

"As always, Princess." Alice followed Amelia and together, they went to the dance.

between the two of us, summer camp, england, america, genderbend, canada, hetalia, america/england, special relationship, au

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