Blind Cupid

Jul 30, 2012 07:14

Title: Blind Cupid

Genre: Romance/Fluff

Pairing(s): USUK, hint of Poland/Lithuania

Word Count: 1,099

Rating/Warnings: 12

Summary: Poland decides to play Cupid to America and England and Lithuania is dragged along for the ride. Done for the ' Can You Feel the Love Tonight' prompt.

This was not what he expected when he walked into the conference room that morning. He had been looking for Poland, so he found the person he was looking for at least, but he did not know what to make of the rest of it.

"Poland?" Lithuania asked, looking around at the streamers and balloons and flowers everywhere. The room looked like Aphrodite had gone on a spending spree. Poland spun around at Lithuania's voice, dressed in bright pink so he matched the decorations almost exactly. He looked excited to see Lithuania and suddenly a memory was sparked in Lithuania's brain. "Please tell me that you've given up on your Cupid scheme and this is just a new form of interior design."

Poland pouted, looking very put out but soon cheered up. "Nope. Liet, you know as well as I do, that America and England totally need some love in their lives and, like,  the best way to do that is with each other."

"Poland, this isn't a good idea," Lithuania tried to warn his friend, worrying about what America and England would do when they saw this. America would probably laugh but England would be embarrassed and on the war path because he was embarrassed. America rarely stopped England when he got going, preferring instead of trail him and wind England up even more so Lithuania knew that there would be no help from that quarter to save Poland's skin.

"No way, this is a totally amazing idea!" Poland scoffed and primped the vase of roses some more. "Perfect!" Footsteps outside the door stopped any protest that Lithuania could possibly make and he and Poland dived under the table, which had a floor length tablecloth. Lithuania hoped that Poland had not planned this to happen but knew his friend could be devious when he set his mind to it.

"Woah," America could be heard as the footsteps stopped inside the room. "It looks like a Cupid and a marshmallow hooked up." Lithuania made a face and Poland stuffed a fist in his mouth to stop himself giggling. Lithuania clamped his hands over Poland's mouth just for good measure. Being discovered spying by America and England would not be good at all.

"Thanks for that lovely mental image, America," England said, the disgust obvious in his voice. America snorted and Lithuania heard footsteps as they walked around the room like they were examining the decorations. He started to sweat, feeling more nervous as the chance of discovery grew even greater. Why didn't they both just leave?

His unspoken question was answered when England spoke again. "You know, this reminds me of something." His tone was casual and Lithuania immediately suspected something. It seemed that America's thoughts ran along the same line for his tone was wary.

"What? It's not going to be one of my movies, is it?" England made a humming noise in answer. Lithuania thought for a moment. Some of America's movies were quite cheesy but they were still fun to watch.

"It's related to it. I was just reminded of our Valentine's celebration last year." The amusement was obvious in England's voice and Lithuania's eyebrows shot up. Not only did England sound relaxed, for once, but his words seemed to be suggesting that he and America spent Valentine's Day together. He looked at Poland, who was staring up at the table, obviously listening hard.

America groaned at England's remark. "It's wasn't that bad! The company just overdid it with the rose petals. And the confetti. And the pink. It did burn your eyes slightly, I admit." America sounded slightly ashamed and there was a sound like cloth moving against cloth. Then, an unmistakeable sound, the sound of a kiss. Poland looked like he was about to burst with glee.  Lithuania wanted to roll his eyes but Poland actually looked quite cute when he was so happy. He still did not move his hands from Poland's mouth - knowing him, he would probably squeal out loud and ruin everything.

"I'm sorry, love, it was very romantic. After all, it's the thought that counts." England's voice was light and teasing and for a moment, Lithuania marvelled in it. It was a side that England rarely showed to anyone, being even more closely guarded than some of the other nations his age. On the other hand, if England found out that Lithuania and Poland witnessed him in this rare, vulnerable moment, there would be hell to pay. And America definitely would not be any help.

"That is an incredibly cheesy comment, England," America replied softly and once again, there was the sound of a kiss. "Aren't you sweet?"

"Oh, I can cheesy, America. Carpets of rose petals, sky writing, the whole complete package." The two of them laughed, softly and intimately. Now Lithuania was just uncomfortable. It was nice to see a more vulnerable side to them both but it was straying into very private territory now and he could only hope that they went no further than kissing. Even Poland was starting to shift and look down at the floor as if he could block out the sounds of America and England above them.

The kissing stopped again and for a moment there was silence in the room. "We should get back." England sounded honestly regretful and America sighed with the same regret. Poland and Lithuania, on the other hand, were sighing in relief. Silently so they weren't found at the last second.

"I know," America replied. "One last kiss?" By the sounds of it, England had agreed and so the two hidden under the table held themselves still, almost able to taste freedom. Soon after, America and England left the room, silent as they did so and Poland and Lithuania waited a few minutes before crawling out.

"I can't believe they almost caught us," Lithuania said to Poland, running a hand through his hair. That had been too close.

"It was, like, so close, but can't you feel the love in the air, Liet? It's so totally amazing and I have to tell Hungary all about it!" Lithuania followed Poland out of the room, protesting  vehemently. Hungary was not known for keeping secrets and there had to be a reason why America and England were not telling any of the other nations about their relationship. They always wanted to keep it secret and Lithuania was perfectly happy for it to remain so. Sure, it was nice that the two of them were obviously in love but it was not a good idea for everyone to find out.

blind cupid, summer camp, england, america, poland, lithuania, hetalia, america/england, special relationship

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