An Experiment in Flying

Jul 26, 2012 07:56

Title: An Experiment in Flying.

Genre: Romance/Drama

Pairing(s): USUK (UST)

Word Count: 1,136

Rating/Warnings: PG

Summary: Done for the 'A Whole New World' prompt. When England creates a magic carpet, a romantic carpet ride is definitely not what happens.

"I can't believe we're stuck on a magic carpet!" America yelled as he peered over the edge, his knuckles turning white as he hung onto the edge of the carpet for dear life. Far below them was England's house, where he had experimented with making objects fly without the use of fairy dust. The magic carpet was one such experiment but it seemed to have combined with another spell and gained a life of its own.

"I can't believe I'm stuck here with you, the one person who doesn't believe in magic," England moaned, flopping back against the carpet. Unlike America, he was completely relaxed and was quite happy to stare up at the sky. He was actually quite pleased that his experiment had worked. However he had no clue why he had brought America over to his home to witness it. Oh yes, it was because he was madly in love with the idiot.

"Hey!" America seemed offended even though England could not guess as to why. "I believe in magic! I just don't believe that you can do it." Maybe America did not realise how insulting that was, but England took it as such. It was bad enough that his spells and potions turned out wrong more often than not, he didn't need some impudent boy pointing it out.

However, instead of responding like he would normally do, England decided to not let America ruin his magic carpet ride. It was a once in a lifetime thing and England did not know when he would get another chance at it. The magic would wear out soon and the carpet would float down to Earth, the ride over and it would only be helped along by negative thoughts. Instead, England stared at the view that the carpet gave him and felt peaceful for once.

"Hey, England, how do we get down?" America sounded worried and England felt surprised. He could not believe that the same boy who had climbed to the top of the tallest tree when he was younger and flew the fastest plane now he was older could be afraid of heights. It was a typical paradox of America. Maybe it was the whole 'magic carpet' idea although England thought that after Aladdin, America would have been more charmed by the idea.

Sometimes England tried to relieve America's fears, like the ones about ghosts or getting fat, but at other times, he was just in a very vindictive mood and now America had pushed him too far.

England grabbed hold of the front of the carpet and thought hard about what he wanted to do. The carpet should be able to pick up his desire to go forward and actually go forward. It had been a spell that England had been working on for a good few decades. The carpet kicked into gear and there was barely time for a gasp from America before England sent them spinning down to the ground. America instantly grabbed England around the waist and held him so tightly, that he had to worry about ribs breaking. England directed the carpet to swerve between the trees at breakneck speed. His eyes were streaming from the cold wind but he knew that he had a manic grin on his face. He loved going fast and he loved flying. It was nice to do it without the need of a plane, as fun as that normally was.

They passed a startled bird and America ducked his head behind England's shoulder. England could feel his lips moving against him and he hoped that America wasn't praying for his life to be saved or some such nonsense. England leaned back and America's grip tightened. The carpet obeyed his wish and they went flying up into the air, where the some low-lying clouds were skating along. England stopped before charging through them, not wanting to get soaked but instead watched them float along for a bit. America stuck his head out from behind England to watch as well and he loosened his grip on England slightly.

The death-defying ride had obviously taken its toll on the carpet. England could feel it sink slightly as the magic started to wear off. They needed to get closer to the ground and so he nudged the carpet downwards before they plummeted to Earth. England enjoyed the quick descent; America did not.

They finished where they started, hovering ten feet above England's garden. America was panting against his back, sounding completely terrified and England felt guilt start to rise up inside of him. He had to do something to alleviate America's worry.

"We're back now... I wouldn't have done anything to hurt you." England patted America's hands that were still joined together over England's stomach. This had the opposite effect to what England intended and America pulled his hands and body away.

"I know that! I was just holding on to make sure that you didn't get scared!" America scoffed and, while England normally found his bravado amusing and endearing, now he just found it annoying. Reading his mood, the carpet started to sink towards the ground, causing America to clutch onto the carpet even tighter.

"The spell's wearing off," England said in a dull voice and America blinked up at him.

" Oh. That's good." America sat up a bit more and loosened his grip on the carpet. It sank down until it was flat on the grass and England and America both scrambled to their feet. "Well... that was cool." The carpet could probably still fly but England did not feel like he wanted to ride it anymore. America just had to open his big mouth and spoil it. A magic carpet ride, something that his Disney had come up with it, and America had spent the whole time wishing he was back on the ground.

"Yes. It was," England replied, brushing off his trousers and jumper. It was time to get back to work and stop playing around with America. England turned back into the house but America made a protesting sound, and, against his better judgement, England turned. America was staring at the floor with his cheeks bright red.

"Er... England.... Thanks for the ride. It was really nice of you." England stared at America for a moment, unable to think of any way to respond that wasn't his usual sarcastic remark. He decided to settle for some sincere manners.

"You're welcome. Maybe we could do it again some time." England snapped his mouth shut and turned around. That was not what he wanted to say at all.

"Yeah, definitely. I'll see you then!" England could see America waving in one of the windows of the house but it was too far away for America to see the smile that graced England's lips.

summer camp, england, america, hetalia, america/england, special relationship, au, an experiement in flying

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