Cupid's Arrow

Feb 15, 2012 08:33

Title: Cupid's Arrow

Genre: Romance/Fluff

Pairing(s): USUK, fake Japan/America and fake England/Russia

Word Count: 1,858

Rating/Warnings: 12/15, mentions of love drugs, drugged up nations and the potential for non-con, a non-con kiss, slightly cracky and rushed

Summary:Cupid is bored right before Valentine's Day and he does something to the nations. For once, he leaves England and America alone but they still have to deal with the consequences. Is a loose-ish sequel to 'Fool In Love' but can stand alone. Done for the ' Valentine's Day' prompt for Sweethearts week.

Cupid was bored. And when Cupid was bored, he needed to create something to entertain, that would make him less bored. The best way of doing this was to create a mess that he would have to fix. His angels said that was not the most productive way to get around his boredom but they were angels. They were perfect.

And people were being so boring. Either breaking up so they did not have to deal with Valentine's Day (so unromantic) or being already in a relationship and so not needing any little push to get going.

But first of all he had to find some willing (or not so willing) volunteers to help him relieve his boredom. The personifications of the nations were those poor, unsuspecting individuals. They were a large group of individuals who found it difficult to get in touch with their feelings after all.


"What do you mean you're working Valentine's Day?" America demanded as England avoided his eyes and tried to step around him to get out of the door and escape from this conversation. But America was not having that and stood in the way. England sighed and knew that if he would have to face America, it was better sooner rather than later.

"I'm sorry America, but I have several meetings and one of them ends really late on the 14th. I can't make it all the way over to you across the Atlantic in time for seven o'clock." America seemed more annoyed at England's explanation not less.

"So? Just say you can't do it. You're their nation, just say you're taking a day off and then come and visit me. It's only for one day, I thought you would be able to do that," America finished bitterly and England felt a stab of sympathy, nostalgia and anger. It reminded him of those times when America was little and wanted England to stay, but he was an adult and a independent nation, he had to understand where England was coming from.

"Well, I'm sorry America, that I'm more worried about my economy coming back up again. I don't know about you but I'm fed up of this everlasting cold!" England retorted and as if to prove the point, he sneezed violently. America's face crumbled into concern for a moment, but as England was still rubbing his eyes, he did not notice this and when he looked up, America was back to looking angry again.

"It won't collapse in the one day it takes for you to have dinner with me!" America pointed out stubbornly. "We're supposed to be having our super awesome, super romantic first date and what other day is going to be as super awesome or as super romantic as Valentine's Day?"

"I don't know, Christmas Eve?" England retorted sarcastically and America looked hurt. Quickly, England started to backtrack. "I mean, whatever day our first date is on is going to be perfect because it's my first date with you." England put a hand on America's cheek and America's expression finally softened. "Barring the Indian takeaway night," England added.

"Hey," America said, pointing a finger right in England's face. "You promised that wasn't our first date."

"But you said we would have an anniversary of the day next year," England answered, confused completely by America's logic. What date would they be remembering if it wasn't their first date?

"That's going to be the anniversary of when we first confessed to each other," America pointed out in a 'isn't it obvious' tone. England accepted that and then wondered what was going on in his brain that he would even accept and understand America's logic.

"I confessed first," England reminded America and America reacted exactly how England thought he would.

"Nuh uh!" He said earnestly. "I was the first one to say the words 'I like you'. You were all vague about it."

"I was the one who put myself out there first, despite the possibility of rejection." The two of them argued back and forth as they started to move slowly towards the meeting room, which they had left during the break. Slowly their hands joined together and they almost forgot their fight. Almost.

"It's just, I was hoping that Valentine's Day would become our anniversary," America said in a shy way that England knew was half-real and half-put on, but still fell for it every time.

"I'll see about working really hard the day before so I can finish early to come over." England gave America a kiss before they swung open the door to the meeting room and stepped inside.

Inside was pure chaos. The room was a wreck with bits of chairs scattered around the place and the table overturned. All the nations were fighting against each other, or seemed to be fighting against each other.

"What the...?" America muttered as he stared around the room, eyes wide behind his glass.

"What the hell is going on?" England questioned, slightly more loudly than America. Nothing happened to answer his question but it drew the attention of Japan and Russia. They both looked frenzied and wide eyed, quite unlike their usual selves.

"America! I love you, America!" Japan cried, launching himself at America who took a step back in surprise but still received the full weight of Japan against his chest, causing him to buckle slightly as his arms rose up to instinctively catch his friend. Japan kissed America full on the mouth and America seemed frozen in a minute in surprise before wrenching himself away. He glanced at England guilty but England was too busy worrying about what had happened to the usually polite and proper Japan, as well as repressing the flicker of jealousy that had risen up. Japan was definitely not in his right mind and America hadn't even wanted the kiss.

"Ah, England, I'm so glad I have found you. I love you so much and you shall come and live with me with the sunflowers?" Russia said cheerily, his eyes still wide and staring. England had a second to glance up at him in horror before he was swept up into Russia's arms and unable to reach the ground.

"Let go, Russia, let go!" England shouted but Russia muffled it by clutching England against his chest.

"I will look after you and you will be mine and you shall not see anyone else," Russia carried on childishly and for a moment, England felt a flicker of fear. Russia was strong, almost as strong as America, and when he wanted something and set out to get it, it was difficult to refuse him. This translated into England trying even more frantically to get away.

"Leave him alone!" America's angry voice made England try to turn and look at him, but only when England was ripped from Russia's arms as Russia was pushed away, was he finally able to look around. America looked angry but underneath there was a hint of fear.

"What is going on?" He asked England, backing slowly away towards the door with England in his arms. "Is this like a Valentine's Day prank?" The sudden reminder of Valentine's Day reminded England of the warning one of his fairies had given. This had happened before and the one responsible for it was...

"Cupid," England hissed. He jumped out of America's arms and pulled him out of the door, shutting it behind him to trap all the infatuated nations in the room. They didn't have the attention spans at the moment to realise there were people out the door, the dose was too strong for that.

"Did you just say Cupid?" America asked, his eyebrows shooting up his forehead to almost disappear into his hair. England did not have time to deal with America's disbelief right now, he had to summon Cupid and get him to fix the mess.

"Thinking about calling me?" England turned to see what looked like a man, but had pointed ears, dark red hair and a bright red tail.

"You know, do you ever wonder how you look more like the stereotype of the devil rather than Cupid?" England asked sarcastically and ignored America jumping and looking around in a confused manner. Cupid stuck out his tongue.

"Well, their stereotype of Cupid is a fat baby with wings so forgive me if I don't want to look like that. Besides, my angels dress in white and pastels all the time, they need some bright colours around."

"Enough on your looks! Fix the other nations to how they were before." America had now lost the look of surprise and was looking at England suspiciously. Cupid tutted.

"But they were so boring, England and you said I couldn't mess around with humans anymore ever since that whole business with Helen and Troy. That person loves that one but they don't want to say anything in case they get hurt or it gets awkward or they mess up their friendship. I was just giving them a little shove." Cupid shrugged, unconcerned for the mess that lay inside the meeting room.

"A little shove?" England repeated in disbelief and Cupid rolled his eyes.

"Okay fine, I dosed them with love chemicals galore so now they're falling in love with anyone they even halfway like. But even with a little shove, they still weren't listening to me! You should be grateful that you and America confessed to each other recently and so close to Valentine's Day. I'm happy for you two."

"I'm so glad that you're happy because of course, I base my lifestyle and relationship choices over whether you're happy," England said, heavily sarcastic. Cupid waved a hand, dismissing his concerns.

"Fine, fine. You're boring and at least they'll hopefully be some more entertainment before Valentine's Day. See you soon." Cupid disappeared into thin air and halted whatever England had wanted to say.

"Hopefully not too soon." England muttered and turned to the meeting room as the noise slowly stopped. America copied his actions.

"Wait, what happened?"

"Cupid cast a spell because he was bored. Now he's reversed it and is going to sit back and watch the fireworks," England explained as quickly as he could before he grabbed America's wrist and started to pull him along the corridor.

"Wait, wait, shouldn't we help them?" America asked, gesturing back at the door. England shook his head violently.

"No. The last thing we want to be is in there. Now, Valentine's Day is in three days and we are going to go somewhere isolated where the other nations can't reach us. I'll take some work which should get my boss off my back but will be free for Valentine's Day." England suddenly stopped and turned to face America. America's face was slowly breaking out into a smile and England could not resist a small smile back.

"Sounds good. Just remember we have to be back in New York for the evening of Valentine's Day." England nodded at America's words and set off for the airport again. He was starting to see America's point. He needed a day off once in a while.

russia, japan, england, america, sweethearts week, hetalia, america/england, special relationship

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