Fool In Love

Feb 12, 2012 22:04

Title: Fool In Love

Genre: Romance/Drama (tiny bit of angst)

Pairing(s): USUK

Word Count: 1,806

Rating/Warnings: 12

Summary: For the first time, England makes an assumption and it doesn't seem to go well for him. Done for the ' music' prompt for Sweethearts week.

The most annoying thing that England could think of at this precise moment in time was someone changing his mobile phone's ring tone. Actually it was someone changing his ring tone to some Elvis Presley song about unable to help falling in love with someone and then being woken up on one of his days off by it. And he knew exactly who that someone was.

"Hello America," he answered the phone, not bothering to open his eyes. Normally he would swear down the phone at America but he was too exhausted. Also, the last time he did that, it turned out to be Canada instead.

"How'd you know it was me?" If America was there, England would give him a are-you-stupid look. Then again, if America was in England's bedroom at this time of the morning, England had a feeling that he wouldn't be irritated in the slightest.

"Oh, I don't know, how did I know who changed my ring tone to one of your annoying songs by one of your annoying singers?" England asked sarcastically.

"Well, I thought that it would remind you of me." That woke England up and he sat upright in his bed, eyes staring at the door. He could not believe that America had actually said that, did he mean it like that? He choked silently at America's words and possible intentions. "England? Hey, England, you still there?"

"Yes, I'm still here, America." England promised himself that he would remain calm. "Is there any particular reason you're calling at.." England glanced at the clock, "seven fifteen in the morning?"

"Wanted to hear your reaction to me changing your ring tone."  America chuckled but England had frozen at what America's meaning to that was. Did he want England to say that he returned his feelings?

"Erm, well, it was a bit surprising to be woken up by it." Despite himself, England's irritation crept into his voice at the end. "But if you mean it, then... maybe you could.... come over?" Silently, England cursed himself. The uncertainty was twisting up his insides and making him frustrated and nervous.

"That's a bit of a weird reaction, but then again, you're a weird guy! Yeah, sure, I'll see you a bit later." With that America hung up and England was left to hyperventilate and prepare himself (and his house) for America's arrival.

America turned up that evening, looking exactly the same and with his usual exuberant manner. He made no comment about how the house looked much cleaner (after England had scrubbed it from top to bottom) or how England himself looked much tidier, not that there was much to do apart from trimming his eyebrows even more than usual and trying (and failing) to make his hair not its usual scruffy mess.

"So, what's for eating? I hope it's nothing that you cooked, England," America said loudly as he entered the sitting room, leaving his shoes and his bags in the hallway. England thought of the meal that ready to be cooked in his fridge and answered,

"No, I was actually thinking of Indian takeaway. What do you want?" England knew that takeaway wasn't very romantic but it was what America wanted and at least it meant that England could spend more time with America himself.

"Sounds awesome! Erm, my usual. Hey, do you have any beer?" There was a muffled thump from the sitting room and England resisted the urge to check if anything was broken.

"No, I've got some wine though. Do you want some?" A mumbled sound of assent was all that England could hear and he tried to take his mind off whatever America was doing in there as he went to get the wine. After he finished pouring the wine into two glasses, he just stood there for a minute before taking a deep breath. He was on his first date with America. God help him to not screw this up.

In the sitting room, England's television was in between America's legs and several important looking parts were spread around America.

"What have you done to my TV?" England asked flatly, even as he put America's glass of wine down on the coffee table so he could reach each. America looked up and grinned.

"No need to be all pissy about it, I'm just upgrading your TV so it will work better when we play my new Xbox game on it."

"New Xbox game?" England asked, squashing any disappointment about his expectations of their first date. He was here with America and that was all that mattered. Maybe on their second date - if there was a second date, please let there be a second date - England could choose what they did.

"Yeah, I brought my Xbox over so we can play it together. It's really awesome, you'll love it. Could you get it? It's in my bag in the hall." America went back to tinkering with the TV and England glared at him for a quick moment at how he assumed that England would do it, before sighing and going to get it. Might as well try and keep the peace. America's bag seemed to have every electronic device ever made but England managed to recognise and retrieve the Xbox.

As he picked it up, his phone rang. England was about to answer it when he saw the number that flashed up on the screen. Rolling his eyes, he went back into the sitting room, ignoring the words of the song even as they made his cheeks redden at the thought of America setting this song for him.

"Why did you ring me when you are literally in the room next to me?" England asked dryly but America was too busy looking at him his phone to notice.

"That's so weird, that's not the song I set for you!" America said loudly, hanging up his phone and making the ringing stop. England felt like something had stopped inside him as well.

"What? Yes it is, it's the song I woke up to," England replied slowly. "What song did you set it to?" England asked, hoping against hope that his suspicions were not proved right.

"Akuna Matata from the Lion King. I don't know who set this one." America turned back to the TV, uninterested in England's reaction now that he knew that he wasn't the one pulling the prank. He did not see England freeze as if he had suddenly been doused with freezing cold water, because that was what it felt like.

"I'm just going to get a menu for the takeaway." To England's own ears his voice sounded different, slightly strangled and high-pitched compared to normal. The eternally oblivious America seemed to notice nothing though, and did nothing to stop England from leaving the room. This suited England fine, the only thing that could be more humiliating than what was happening right now was America witnessing that humiliation.

Why had he paid attention to that song? He never made assumptions, partly because he was naturally suspicious but also to avoid situations like the one he found himself in now. He had scrubbed his house from top to bottom, he had scrubbed himself from top to bottom and he had embarked on this encounter with America as if it were a date when it was really just America, being America.

And he was going to have to back in there and face America and know that while he was stupidly in love with the blind fool, America just saw him as a friend, maybe not even that, maybe he just saw him as someone to annoy and laugh at.

England could not even blame America for this fiasco, because it was all England's fault for assuming things that just weren't there. At these thoughts, England pulled himself together and grabbed a menu, ready to go back into the sitting room again.

"Hey England," America said, as he came into the kitchen. He sounded unsure and England panicked momentarily, worried that America had guessed before calming himself with the knowledge that America was oblivious to everyone and everything. "Did you think this was a date?" Maybe not as oblivious as England first thought.

There was a long silence as England contemplated the ways he could answer and how they would affect his relationship with America. Finally deciding to be brave and not over think everything for once in his life, England nodded and America looked stunned. Whether it was good stunned or bad stunned, England couldn't yet tell.

"Why would you think that?" At America's question, England found many answers flashing through his head. Again, he decided to go with the honest answer. Maybe he could make a habit of it.

"Because I was an idiot and thought that you setting my phone to that song, even though it turned out to be not you, was your strange way of declaring that you wanted to start a relationship. Obviously, I was wrong." England could not help himself sounding stiff, even when he was almost outright admitting how he felt.

"Well, yeah!" America answered frankly and England decided that looking at America was overrated and switched his gaze to the work surface. The work surface was less likely to hurt him. "I would find a way better way than that! And did you really think that for our first date we would sit at home eating Indian takeaway and playing Xbox? That's like, the least romantic date in the whole world."

England felt his mouth drop open as he looked at America again, but he honestly didn't care. America had just admitted that he had feelings for England, romantic feelings, unless his ears were deceiving him. Which was entirely possible at his age.

"Wait, what?" England asked. Just to make sure that he had heard what he had heard. America looked confused and then apologetic.

"Oh, I want to do the whole dating and relationship thing. I've liked you for ages, how could you not have noticed?" America's grin was joking but England still felt too off-kilter to joke about it.

"But - but - how - you didn't notice either." Finally England settled on the one thing he was sure about at the moment. America rolled his eyes.

"Come on England, let's order the takeaway and get a movie out. This won't be a proper first date because I have this most amazing thing planned but it can be our sort of first date." America held out his hand to England, who stared at it for a few moments. Finally deciding that he would just go along with it, whether it was a crazy dream or not, England took America's hand and was led back to the sitting room so they could properly start their date.

sweethearts week, fool in love, america/england, hetalia, special relationship, england, america

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