Sleeping On The Job

Feb 10, 2012 22:42

Title: Sleeping On The Job

Genre: Romance/Fluff

Pairing(s): USUK

Word Count: 1,013

Rating/Warnings: Mild swearing, 12

Summary: When America gets to work, he goes all out. Done for the prompt ' taking care of business' at usxuk sweethearts week.

Notes: Maternal!England is my headcanon. Slightly irritated at LJ for spacing issues with my post so sorry about that!

For once in his long, long life, England had decided to take a leaf out of America's book and be spontaneous for once. America was always moaning to him about how he wasn't romantic enough and everything had to be planned and how that was so boring. As much as it stung England to be called boring, it also awakened another part of him that loved proving America wrong. So he organised three days off with his boss and flew over to America's house to surprise him. However the pleasant feeling of being able to surprise America was wearing off now that he was being forced to stand in the cold for the last five minutes.

England knocked on the door again. He had already knocked three times and there was still no answer. America could just have his headphones stuck into his ears like England had discovered once or twice. Luckily, America had told England where the spare key was so he could at least get out of the cold. However the house was nearly as cold as outside.

"Why in the hell hasn't he turned his heating on?" England asked himself as he stumbled around in the darkness of the hall, shedding his shoes but keeping his jacket. America was neither in the kitchen or passed out on the sofa in front of one of his usual mindless action movies. Starting to worry, England climbed the stairs, his footsteps echoing around the room.

"America?" Someone's voice called out and England turned, only to see America's little alien friend look at him scornfully. "It's only you." He turned away but England distinctly heard him mutter, "fucking limey." England glared at him but his worry for America overtook his irritation at the alien.

"Where's America?" England demanded and although the alien made a face at him, he answered England's question, which only showed how worried he actually was.

"In his office. Working. Has been all day."

"All day?" England asked in shock. That was completely different from the America England knew, a couple of hours of work and he was desperate for a break. It contrasted with England's idea of working until it was all done and then taking a break. Now they were reversed and England didn't know what to do. "I'll go and check on him." The alien nodded at him and turned back into his room but the lack of the usual insult showed how much the alien appreciated this. Now more than a little concerned, England hurried down to America's study and pushed open the door.

The sight that greeted him was one that made him smile and worried him at the same time. America had fallen asleep at his desk, looking relaxed and care-free, but he had obviously fallen asleep while in the middle of work, judging by the pen in his hand. England would take a guess that he was not particularly comfortable either, sleeping in that position.

"America," England said, leaning over the desk so he could pat America's hand but drew back at the sensation. "My God, you're freezing!" Even though England knew that being cold could not kill nations, but the instinct to care for anyone, especially America, took over. Decision made, England shook America hard, causing the sleeping nation to sit bolt upright, obviously confused and half-asleep still.

"Whas goin' on?" America mumbled, yawning widely and staring around at the room with wonky glasses. England found him almost unbearably cute but would never dream of saying such a thing. Instead he scowled, even if it was much softer than normal.

"You being idiotic. Working all day, falling asleep at the desk..."

"Why's it so cold?" America asked, looking around still bleary-eyed and England sighed. America never did listen but he supposed that England was at fault here for trying to talk to him right after he woke up.

"Because something left the heating off. It's freezing outside and now it's freezing inside. Come along, America, let's get you to bed." England led a bleary-eyed America out the table, holding him up as he stumbled over his feet. America was almost endearingly clumsy when tired.

"Oh, England, you just got here and you're already making a move on me." America leered and England rolled his eyes. It would happen any second now. "Wait, England, you're here."

"Congratulations America, you get a gold star," England replied even though America's confused expression would be remembered. He led America down to the hall to his bedroom. "I came here to surprise you, which I've done, and get you to take an evening out with me, which will have to be put off."

"What? No, we can still do it. Give me an hour to have a shower and get dressed and we can go out wherever you want." America stood up straight and looked more awake but England could see the heavy bags under his eyes.

"America you are exhausted and I want you to get ready for bed. You've worked all day and it is time to rest," England said firmly and America gaped at him like a fish for a moment before a hopeful smile spread across his face.

"With hot chocolate? And marshmallows?"

"You really are pushing your luck." England gave America a stern look that was somewhat ruined by the smile that was threatening to appear on his face. "But yes, alright. I want to see you in bed by the time I get back."

"Yes, Mom," America said teasingly. Both of them went their separate ways, England to the kitchen and America into his bedroom. "Chocolate flakes as well would be nice!" England heard America yell after him.

"Don't push your luck!" England yelled back but smiled as he heard America laugh. As he stirred the milk on the pan, he started to sort through some of the papers that he had snatched from America's desk. America would be taking a day off tomorrow no matter what anyone thought. If England had to pull out several favours and blackmail material, he would.

sleeping on the job, england, america, sweethearts week, hetalia, america/england, special relationship, tony

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