Looking From A Distance (1/1)

Jan 01, 2012 22:46

TITLE: Looking From A Distance

AUTHOR: redblonde7

RECIPIENT: just_a_fangirl

GENRE: Romance/Fluff/Humour

PAIRING(S): USUK, hint of Spain/Romano

RATINGS/WARNINGS: 15, swearing

SUMMARY: Prompt was Alfred falls in love at first sight with a mature businessman he keeps seeing everywhere.

NOTES: Unfortunately no beta for this due to the deadline. Quite short as well, I'm sorry about that but I hope you like it anyway.

The first time Alfred saw him was when he was taking the train to London and they passed each other at the train doors. They paid no notice to each other apart from a casual glance, the man too interested in avoiding the crush of people and Alfred was too distracted thinking about the part he was heading for in London.

The fourth time Alfred saw the man was when he saw him sitting on a bench on another platform. His hair was blonde and messy, contrasting to the neatness of his suit. Alfred recognised him and wondered why he stood out much more than anyone else. He ended up staring at the man until a train blocked him from view.

The seventh time Alfred saw the man was on a train to London. Alfred debated whether or not to go and approach him but Antonio’s presence prevented it. By this time, Alfred had more than a little crush on the strange man he kept seeing at the station.

The tenth time Alfred managed to spill coffee on the man. He got to hear his voice and see the man look at him for the first time, which partly made up for the embarrassment that made Alfred's face warm every time he thought about it.

The twelfth time, Alfred got to talk to him.


"This essay is literally going to kill me dead," Alfred moaned to his friend as they left the train station. Lovino looked unconcerned, seemingly more interested in his packet of crisps that what Alfred was saying.

"Don't be a baby, it's only because you left it until the last two days to do it," Lovino pointed out and Alfred sighed. He wished that his friend would not point out the flaws in his logic. "And if you didn't consume those shit energy drinks all the time, then you wouldn't be feeling like shit."

"Lovi, why do you hurt me so?" Alfred said in a dramatic voice and Lovino shot him a glare.

"Don't call me Lovi - what the hell are you looking at?" Lovino's scowl softened into a curious look as Alfred had suddenly stopped and turned to face the station again.

"That - that man, Lovino, that man is the one I keep seeing all the time," Alfred breathed, still watching the door of the station, even though Lovino could not pinpoint who exactly he was staring at. Then realisation hit him.

"Wait, is this the same man that Gilbert said that you wouldn't stop talking about?" Lovino asked loudly and Alfred nodded, still not moving or even turning to face Lovino.

"Damn, I've lost him," Alfred muttered under his breath. He turned and started to walk again, which Lovino was very grateful for. It was starting to get very cold just standing there. "Yeah, it's this guy. He's always in a suit and he's really hot, plus he's really smart because he's always reading this Charles Dickens books, except now he's got the new e-reader so I can't see what he's reading. He's got really pretty green eyes and when I accidentally spilled my coffee on him, he smiled." Lovino felt like he needed to come up with a witty putdown but they were not his strong point, no matter what he wanted to believe.

"It sounds like you're stalking him," Lovino said, unable to think of anything else. Alfred looked at him like Lovino had kicked his favourite puppy, which Lovino took offence to. If Alfred was a puppy, he was a manipulative puppy that snuck up on you and was your friend before you even realised it. "Alfred."

"I'm not a stalker!" Alfred protested and Lovino rolled his eyes.

"That's not it, you idiot. Where's your folder?" Alfred looked at Lovino blankly before looking down at his arms as if expecting to see something that wasn't there.

"Oh, damn," Alfred said in sudden realisation. "Wait here, I'll be two minutes." Alfred darted back into the station, leaving Lovino no choice but to wait there. Alfred knew that Lovino would wait, no matter how many insults he would throw at Alfred when he got back. All Alfred was hoping at the moment was that he left the folder on the station and not on the train. He skidded around the people flooding out of the station, managed to avoid nearly everyone apart from one.

"Shit, I'm so sorry about that," Alfred said frantically as he recovered from where he had staggered back after bouncing off the man. He looked up and recognised who he was talking to. "Hey, it's you." The man looked confused but also slightly amused, which was probably better than angry.

"Should I know you?" The man asks, straightening out his suit. Alfred took a moment to appreciate whoever tailored the man's suit because they obviously did a good job. He hadn't realised how much he liked suits until he kept seeing this man everywhere.

"No, no, I just, I see you around a lot, you know?" Alfred desperately hoped that he wasn't the only one who had noticed. The man seemed to look at him more carefully now.

"I can't say with honesty that I have, but I would like to." Then the man smiled, the same smile as before, and Alfred felt his heart speed up.

"I'm Alfred Jones." Alfred stuck out a hand in offering. The man shot him an amused look, over what Alfred wasn't sure, but accepted the hand readily.

"Arthur Kirkland. I think I recognise you now, didn't you spill coffee on me last week?" Alfred blushed. Maybe it would be a better thing if Arthur didn't remember him.

"Uh, yeah. I'm really sorry about that by the way." Alfred had apologised but after spilling boiling coffee on someone and ruining what looked to be an expensive suit, it couldn't be said enough. Arthur smiled and looked around the station. He seemed to have realised how public the place was.

"Listen, do you want to grab a drink sometime? Maybe not coffee," Arthur said with a wry smile. Alfred nodded, unable to give more of a coherent answer and Arthur pulled out a business card from an inside pocket of his suit. "Just give me a call or something. Whenever you like." Alfred took the card, making sure that their fingers brushed. "Goodbye Alfred."

"Bye, Arthur," Alfred managed to reply before Arthur disappeared into the crowds of the station.


"Guess what's tonight," Lovino says to Gilbert as they slouch on Antonio's bed, trying to focus on the tiny laptop screen so they could watch the movie.

"The end of the world. A full moon. The anniversary of when you and Tonio first fucked," Gilbert answered in a bored voice. Lovino pushed him on the bed and ignored the groans of pain. He went back to watching the movie but his view was soon blocked when Alfred walked in through the open door.

"Does this shirt look okay?" Gilbert's laugh was smothered by the carpet and Lovino looked at Alfred in disbelief.

"Why the hell would I know?" Lovino asked and Alfred looked desperate.

"Because you know clothes Lovino, and I really need your help. Arthur's not in university, he's got a job and so he'll be wearing something nice, something expensive. I can't afford expensive but you can help me with nice." Lovino sighed and Gilbert picked himself up off the floor.

"So today's your first date with Arthur?" Gilbert asked jeeringly and Lovino kicked him in the back.

"Yeah, I'll help you. Sod off Gilbert," Lovino said before going to help Alfred pick out a different shirt. Fashion was definitely not his thing.


As Alfred entered the pub, he shook his head slightly, trying to get rid of some of the water that was dripping off him but being spectacularly unsuccessful. Alfred panicked for a moment but before he could go the bathroom to sort it out, Arthur was already beside him.

"Hello Alfred. Shall we get a drink?" Alfred felt more than a little nervous but Arthur soon got him talking, about Alfred's university course and the people he lived with.

"They're all completely insane and they all fight with each other all the time. Really good roommates even if Gilbert has a tendency to attach things to fireworks in the back garden." Arthur laughed and Alfred just admired the sight for a moment. Arthur had relaxed, removing his jacket and rolling up the sleeves of his shirt and now Alfred couldn't stop smiling.

"I share with a friend of mine. He works at the hospital and so he's always on shifts. Compared to my nine to five job, he's always in and out at odd times." Alfred nodded.

"So, what job do you do?" Arthur looked amused. "What?" Alfred asked, feeling self-conscious.

"You're very direct, I don't think I've met many people who ask your questions so directly," Arthur explained and Alfred nodded in understanding, before a question entered his mind.

"Is that a bad thing?" Alfred asked and Arthur grinned. He placed a hand on top of Alfred's and leaned across the table. Alfred could feel himself swallowing nervously and tried not to let his nervousness be too obvious.

"Of course not," Arthur replied smoothly and Alfred leant forward, closer to Arthur. "After I like you, and you ask direct questions."

"Now who's being direct?" Alfred replied and the two of them shared a smile. At least the date was going well, it had only taken them two months to get to this point.

prussia, looking from a distance, england, america, hetalia, america/england, secret santa, special relationship, au, romano

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