Come Into The Light

Jul 21, 2011 10:00

 Title: Come Into The Light

Genre: Drama/Romance

Pairing(s): USUK

Word Count: 2,231

Rating/Warnings: 15, mentions of emotional/psychological torture

Summary: Due to their lack of humanity, the fae can hold grudges for hundreds of years. America experiences this in full force one 4th July.(Hidden in the Dark) After the attack, the fae wait anxiously for England's verdict. Done for the ' supernatural' prompt on the usxuk summer camp.

Rosa stood beside Titania as they waited nervously in the clearing. Many other fairies were waiting there, chatting quietly among themselves and watching the entrance closely. The goblins, small human-like creatures with long, pointed fingers, gathered together. Rosa could almost smell the nervousness coming off them; England had called a meeting of all the magical creatures involved.

"How long?" Drake murmured to her and Rosa turned her head to one side in a shadow of a nod.

"Not long. I think England wants to wait until everyone is here. He does hate repeating himself," Rosa whispered back, not taking her eyes off the entrance to the clearing.

"This is not going to go well," Drake said as quietly as he could, so only Rosa's ears could pick it up.

"No it isn't," Rosa agreed and she straightened her skirts compulsively. She hoped that England would not be too angry, he could hold a grudge for a very long time and Rosa knew that she, if not many of the others, would miss him.

"Hush you two, he's coming," Titania warned and a silence fell over the clearing as everyone heard her words. The goblins made a movement as if they debated running but seemed to understand that England would just be even angrier if they did so.

England stepped into the quiet, even the birds had stopped singing near that clearing, and his face was solemn. What made Rosa gasp was the other nation following closely behind England, a scared looking America. He was looking around the clearing and his eyes scanning everywhere at once showed his lack of Sight. The fairies had hidden themselves from ordinary eyes and it was only those who had the Sight who could see them. England was the complete opposite; his eyes looked at all the fae, keeping his gaze a moment longer on the goblins, before resting on Titania. They were blank with no visible emotion and Rosa shivered. England was only like that when he trying to keep his composure.

"Are they here yet?" America's words, though said in a whisper, were heard by everyone in the clearing. Rosa caught one of the fairies sneering, but unfortunately England did too and his eyes darted to the fairy who quickly backed down at his steely glare.

"Yes, they're here. All the ones involved," England's voice was quiet but Rosa could almost hear the accusation. She quaked and wondered how long England would hold this against them. America froze in what seemed like terror before he bravely stepped forward so he was next to England. Rosa did not miss the way America took England's hand and gripped hold of it. It made her despair because she could have predicted their relationship happening and it meant that England would be even more aggrieved at what the fairies did.

"Can you tell me where they all are?" America asked and Rosa saw Titania's eyes widen in surprise. America was being braver than they thought possible.

"I could ask them to show themselves. They can reveal themselves if they wish," England told America and Rosa, unasked for as of yet, cast the spell to reveal herself to all eyes, including America. She knew when she appeared because America jumped and fixed his eyes on her. England did not look displeased but Titania shot her a look.

"Hello England, hello America," Rosa said quietly and she thought she could almost see America smile. Maybe he recognised her as not one of the ones that attacked him or she was very much like the fairies in popular fiction with her wings and her dress.

"Hiya," America said, more cheerfully than he had said anything else and England cast him an amused look. Rosa smiled for she had made America happy and that had made England happy. "What should I call you?"

"My lady will do fine America," England interjected and Rosa nodded. Very few people called her by her name, only those higher like the fairy queen could do so, unless invited to. America looked between England and Rosa but nodded.

"Alright. My lady it is. So where are the others?" America seemed to have regained some of his spirit and Rosa turned to Titania. The queen was looking more relaxed as she looked at England and she cast the spell as well.

"America, this is the fairy queen, Titania," England said, gesturing to Titania who flew closer to the two nations. She stopped when America started to look wary and England shifted slightly.

"It is a pleasure to meet you America," Titania said in her calm voice and Rosa could see America relax again.

"It's good to meet you too, Titania was it?" America asked and Rosa stiffened, her eyes flying to England's face. She could hear the growls of displeasure from some of the queen's guard at the unintentional disrespect, but a glare from England and a raised hand from Titania quietened them instantly.

"I would prefer 'your majesty', 'your highness' or 'my lady' if you cannot stomach the other two," Titania said clearly and America looked chastened. He must have guessed that he had said something wrong.

"Sorry your majesty," he mumbled quietly and England rubbed America's arm with the hand that was not holding his.

"Its fine America, you didn't know. Fairies are big on aristocracy, it's probably safer to address everyone as 'my lady' or 'my lord' at first unless they tell you not to," England said, a soft smile on his face as he looked at America. Rosa flew slightly closer, unable to resist at the look on England's face. She halted by Titania though, America did not seem to want them to go any closer.

"I'll remember that," America replied, giving a bright smile to England.

"Do you want everyone else to reveal themselves now?" Titania asked and the two of them were reminded where they were and why they came.

"Er... sure," America said, casting a glance at England who was, once again, stony-faced. As Titania nodded, the different fairies cast the spells, revealing all of them at once. America started and Rosa could see him grip England's hand tightly. He looked at all the different fairies, some that looked like Rosa and Titania, some more human-like than others. The goblins were the last to reveal themselves and Rosa could see at once that America knew who they were. He took a step back, a look of fear on his face, but he was stopped by England's hand interlocked with his.

"It's okay, I won't let them hurt you," England said softly to America. He ignored the fairies and Rosa could feel her forehead wrinkling in anger and worry. She did not want to be ignored, for so long they had been England's greatest friends but now it seemed that America was taking that spot. "It's okay. You could go back to your house if you wanted to." Rosa worried that England's offer could mean that he would go too.

"No... no, I'm fine," America said in a shaky voice and he stood his ground, even though he now held England's hand between both of his hands. "I just needed a second to get used to it." He smiled at England and Rosa noticed how carefully he was avoiding looking at the goblins. England threw him a reassuring look before turning to Titania.

"We are here so America could understand why he has been tortured over the years and why he was attacked a few nights ago." As England said the last part, he looked closely at the goblins who shifted and tried to make sure each other was at the front.

"Maybe I should explain," Titania said and England nodded his agreement with that. America looked at Titania as well but stayed silent. "Years ago, when you left England, he was very hurt by it." America flinched and Rosa glanced around. Some of the magical community was glaring at him but quickly subsided at England's expression. "Since he is our friend, we did not like him being hurt and we wanted to get revenge on his behalf. Some of us wanted a stronger punishment," Titania stopped to glance at the goblins, "and some of us wanted a weaker punishment." Here she looked at Rosa, who almost beamed at the proud look England was sending her. "But we managed to work something out that pleased everyone and could be controlled enough to cause no lasting harm."

"No lasting harm?" England hissed and Titania looked scared.

"It's okay England, let her finish." This time it was America who was being the reassuring one and England sent him a grateful smile.

"We thought that giving the punishment on the day you celebrate as the day you left England was fitting, to put it bluntly. Due to England's protection spells, which we knew about, the punishment was limited to nightmares and so did not affect your waking moments. However, when the spells were broken, some of the magical community decided to give you the harsher punishment that they felt you deserved. We woke England and sent some of our strongest fairies to protect you until England could get to you and drive any threats off, since you cannot see magical creatures normally. The doppelgängers confused them though and they found out that they were following the wrong America, but it was too late. You had been attacked and England was already there." Titania fell silent, letting everyone know that she had reached the end of her story.

"Thank you my lady," England said politely and Titania nodded. Rosa looked at America who seemed to be trying to process everything. "Do you want to know anything else?" Slowly, America shook his head and Rosa breathed out a sigh of relief. As long as America was fine, England would forgive them. She tried to ignore the white bandages on his hand and his neck as proof of the goblins' attack. "There's just one more thing. I think that an apology is in order." England's words were cold and Rosa shivered. No one received an apology from the fae, they had too much pride for it.

"But England," Titania tried to protest but England remained unmoved.

"I think it's what you can offer. After all, time cannot be rewound." Two impossible things England had now said but he seemed like he was going to budge on neither. There was silence and even America seemed to realise that England had asked for a big thing.

"We apologise America. Some things should be left alone and we should have let England deal with his life in his own way," Titania said in a low voice. Rosa knew how painful that had been for Titania but she rejoiced in the soft look England sent Titania's way. He was ready to forgive them.

"Thank you, your majesty," America replied quietly. "Apology accepted." Titania nodded and the awkward moment stretched on.

"I think that's all, unless you need anything else?" England asked America, who shook his head. "So we'll head back to the house and I would prefer not to see any of you for the next three days." There was the punishment and Rosa almost spoke up to protest it. She knew it would do no good though and stayed silent. England nodded at Titania and the rest of the fairies before kissing America suddenly. Rosa saw him loop the amulet out from underneath America's shirt so it was visible even in the dim light of the clearing. "I'll meet you at the house. I just need to finish something up here." America looked like he was going to protest but England tapped the amulet and he left the clearing. England listened until no more sounds could be heard before turning back to the fairies. Now came the true anger. It filled the clearing and the fae cringed away from it.

"Oh no," Rosa whispered as she flew backwards to put a greater distance between her and England.

"Do not ever do that again," England spoke and every fairy felt his words as if they were physical things. "You do not take revenge for me especially against someone that I care about. And as for you," he turned to the goblins who had just being looking relieved a moment ago that they got away with nothing worse, "do not come to my or America's house at all. Stay away from me. I'll let you know when that is lifted. If you break it, then I'll have to put wards up to prevent your entrance." What England was saying had never been done before in the whole of their centuries long friendship. To be banned from a friend's house was serious and the goblins took it as such, writhing in pain and begging England to reconsider. England's answer was obvious. "I hope that when I see you again, it's under better circumstances." England said as a way of saying goodbye and Rosa hoped, a way of saying that he would forgive them. He too left the clearing and the fairies listened to him following America's path.

"That could have gone worse," Titania said to Rosa quietly and Rosa agreed. At least England would forgive them for hurting America, even though he might not forgive them for the terror America had in his eyes.

Yep, the fairies and even England himself are very definitely not human. Hope everyone liked it. Still love the comments and still on my mum's laptop which will be the truth for another week.

come into the light, summer camp, america/england, hetalia, special relationship, england, america

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