Bitch made? No! Nature made!

Jul 13, 2006 05:17

So I went to the organic market today and peeled the thick orangey skins from my eyes and let the citrusy juice roll down my cheeks. I then laid in the nectar of life and let it all out, from every pour it came, not only my eyes wept. I sat as I watched my shoulders weep; as my palms balled there faces up tight and resembled aged mothers, I began to realize there is much more to life than this.

I've been on a rant for a few weeks about the rights of people and those currently fighting for the right to be wed; if only those in opposition had an argument better than the father, son and holy sprit, I could see this either ending very fast or becoming a proper debate [but they don’t, so it won’t]. If only I had a larger platform to voice my opinions. I'll just say this for now, you are not born with the natural [natural as pertaining to nature, remember we are animals also] right to be married. Under the law, that is a privilege grant by the government and it is up to the government to decide if it should deemed as legal or not.

I’m not for or against the topic at hand, nor am I expressing apathy, I am just commenting on it while under the influence of Tom Regan writings.
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