A couple of years a go when I was in Italy alone I brought about 15 books which I pretty much devoured in less then the time I was there for and one of them was
LAMB or The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal by Christopher Moore which I felt was brilliantly funny and original and finished it within two days I didn't want to put it down (which in Borgo is normal for me as I only read here when travelling).
Well recently I picked up a couple more by CM one called
Bloodsucking Fiends and
A Dirty Job I've already almost finished BF and have found myself bursting out laughing or giggling at some of it the rest of the time I know I'm sitting there with a grin obviously enjoying it as people keep asking "Good I take it?" from the look on my face lol. Some of these people complete strangers, people on the street or bus who just couldn't resist asking me for some reason not even to start a conversation lol.
I am gutted I've almost finished it and because it's been really good and I thought I'd seen something online about a sequel ("You Suck" it seems) I went looking and IMMEDIATELY spoiled myself for the ending that I'm so close to! I immediately shut the window down exclaiming "NOOOOOOOOO YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!!! scolding myself, well for being a fucking idiot, I mean REALLY?! What did I expect? I should've known if it was a sequel it'll have something to do with the first yeh but not such a major spoiler in the first sodding line!!!! X( lol
See Queen of the R-Tards.
If you're looking for a good fun read though I would highly suggest "Lamb or The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal" and the one I am currently enjoying they have really taken me off I can see the places & people that are describe and have really enjoyed it. And I want Jody's loft apartment too lol.
Anywho just thought I'd share as I know a few people, avid readers or not that would enjoy them.
They should really make a movie of this book, if they are willing to make some of the crap that's out there then they NEED to make this (and no Lizzie that wasn't a shot at Twilight ... well maybe not) ;0)
Have a great weekend People! XD
EDIT: Christopher Moore rocks even more now as he replied to my email already telling me I just started reading again at the perfect time seeing as I'm enjoying Bloodsucking Fiends so much it is actually a trilogy and the last book should be out soon *YAY*
I also realised that the book convention that Kirstie & I were contemplating earlier this year he was actually in attendance!!!! *grumbles* lol I could be wrong at least I think it was the event we were planning on going to. D'oooooh!