The Hunger Games fic: gonna crawl inside your heart

Mar 29, 2012 13:42

Title: gonna crawl inside your heart (gonna rend your ventricles apart)
Pairing: Clove/Cato 
Rating: R
Length: 600 words
Warnings: Sex and violence. At the same time. 
Status: Complete
Notes: Written for tilty's prompt at the  Girl on Fire Ficathon. Mutilated title and cut text swiped from The Decemberists' "Red Right Ankle."

Cruelly, tenderly. )

clove, the hunger games, #fic, clove/cato, cato

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Comments 35

epistolic March 30 2012, 13:11:02 UTC
Mmmm, absolutely love this dark little piece. ♥


redbells March 30 2012, 13:57:11 UTC
Thank you! So glad you you love it :)


beethemonster March 30 2012, 13:33:18 UTC
a girl who plays with knives.

i'm so in love with this pairing, i don't even know what to say. this was wonderful ♥


redbells March 30 2012, 13:58:09 UTC
Hee, I love that line :)

Thank you so much for the read and the write!


century_fox March 30 2012, 14:43:55 UTC
There is something predatory in her gaze, lust and violence glinting dangerously from her dark eyes. Dark eyes, dark hair, dark heart. This line describes Clove so well.

This is lovely! I love how you showed that sex and violence are so intertwined in their relationship.


redbells March 30 2012, 14:57:46 UTC
This line describes Clove so well. I really had fun coming up with that line - glad it fits :)

I'm so happy to hear you think this is lovely! Sex and violence are definitely intertwined in their relationship. I feel like that's true for all of the Careers, to some extent, but it's especially true with Clove and Cato. They are in a league of their own.


insideways March 31 2012, 20:12:50 UTC
Mmmm, beautiful and lethal and dark.


redbells March 31 2012, 20:26:05 UTC


tilty March 31 2012, 21:12:49 UTC
OH. MY. GOD. i have had this tab open forever, dying to read it and i finally got around to it and ohmygod. so devilish, so bloody, like... everything i ever wished for with that prompt. sharp teeth, sharp nails, sharp hips a;sldkfasdf perfect. AND THE LAST FUCKING LINE. KILLER!!!!!


redbells March 31 2012, 21:32:36 UTC
everything i ever wished for with that prompt.


Eeeeek I am so thrilled that you like it! Your prompt was beyond perfect and the best excuse ever to write some seriously fucked up Clove/Cato. Speaking of your prompts though, I keep going through the ficathon and finding excellent things like "finnick/annie, training for the 70th hunger games" and "haymitch/maysilee's twin, numb" and dear lord I want to write them all! They're definitely on my list of fills to write.

But yay! I am beyond happy this fill worked for you, especially that last line, because it's definitely my favorite :P


tilty April 2 2012, 03:24:51 UTC
hahaha omg i am glad i could give you joy when YOU MADE THE FILL PERFECTION. as;dlkfj if you did any of my other prompts i would die. thanks for successfully convincing me to stalk your journal now. i need dark, brooding thg fic like i need air.


redbells April 2 2012, 03:27:50 UTC

I am definitely working on some of your other prompts! They are on my list, which is ridiculously long omg what is my life, but they will get written!

Hee, I'll see what I can do about more dark THG fic :)

Mind if I friend you?


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