Greek mythology fic: the rosary her lips and tongue

Aug 27, 2011 09:04

Characters: Cassandra of Troy, background Hector/Andromache
Rating: PG-13
Length:  1001 words
Status: Complete
Warnings: Spoilers for the end of the Iliad? Implied violence. 
Notes: The fall of Troy in four acts, through the eyes of its doomed prophetess. Written for jacyevans, who snagged a slot in my fic meme. Hope you like it! Title from Neko Case's "Polar ( Read more... )

#fic, cassandra, greek mythology

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holyfant February 14 2012, 18:21:43 UTC
Oh god, this really hit me hard. The depth of her... well, frustration is too weak a word, of her pain, of her knowledge, is just so immense here.

Wonderfully, beautifully done. It's been a while since a 1,000 word fic brought me close to tears.


redbells February 15 2012, 23:55:23 UTC
Oh, wow. I am so flattered that this pulled so much emotion from you, so flattered you think it's beautiful. I just, wow.

Thank you so much :)


holyfant February 16 2012, 10:11:40 UTC
Is it okay if I add you? I would love to keep up with any more fic you should write. :)


redbells February 16 2012, 18:15:15 UTC
That would awesome! Mind if I add you back? I've been poking around your journal and there is so much fic I need to read!


holyfant February 16 2012, 19:37:07 UTC
Yay! And sure, add me back! :D


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