Supernatural fic: Going Down

Jul 21, 2011 14:32

Pairing: Dean/Ruby
Rating: R
Length: 397 words
Status: Complete
Warnings: Sex, violence, swearing. Spoilers for seasons three and four.
Notes: Written for jacyevans for helpthesouth. Hope you like it! Title and cut text from Thea Gilmore's "Going Down."

Going Down

She pops a French fry in her mouth, savors the corrosive burn of salt on her tongue. It’s the only thing that’s real in this little game she’s playing with Sam. And goddamn is it easy to play him - a lie here, a helping hand there, and little Sammy Winchester is eating out of her hand. Pathetic.

She’s bored of it already.

So when big brother Dean corners her in a crappy motel parking lot, the streetlight flickering a dull yellow above them, she doesn’t hesitate to play.

“I remember what it’s like,” she says, her voiced pitched low and honest.

He eyes her like he a might a venomous snake - or a demon - and scoffs.

“Remember what?”

She has to stop herself from smiling, satisfied and vicious. This is the challenge she was expecting from Sam, the kind of tortuously slow game that will make it all the sweeter when she wins.

“Being human. That’s what we all start out as, you know.”

He buys her little sob story hook, line, and sinker. Her words chase themselves around and around in his head, around and around and around, festering. It's terribly amusing, watching as he grows angry and desperate and helpless until he finally confronts her.

They fuck on dirty motel sheets while Sam’s out on an ammo run, fast and rough. He slams into her like he can feel time slipping away from him with each breath, like he’s holding onto humanity by his fingertips. She lets her eyes bleed to black and watches hungrily as the sight pushes him over the edge.

She leaves soon afterwards, finishes herself off with her hand between her legs and images of what he’ll look like spread out on the rack, broken and betrayed, floating behind her closed lids.

The room smells like smoke and hellfire when she leaves, and it feels like a victory.

It is.

Dean goes to Hell and Sam follows her like a lost sheep chasing the only shepherd he can find, and months later in an old abandoned convent, Lucifer rises.

Sam grabs her, holds her out for his brother to kill. Anger is a cold blade in Dean’s eyes, her knife deadly and ready for blood in his hand, but the Cage is open.

Ruby mouths the words at him just before he guts her, her lips turned up in a triumphant smile.

I win.

Feedback is love!

dean/ruby, #fic, ruby, dean winchester, supernatural

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