Pirates fic: it takes an ocean not to break; part five

Jul 15, 2011 17:51

Pairings: Will/Elizabeth, Jack/Elizabeth
Rating: PG-13
Length: 319
Status: WIP
Notes: Written for djarum99 for help_japan

it takes an ocean not to break
Her exhaustion fades over the course of three days, but her fear does not. It stifles her as she lies in bed, on strange sheets in an unfamiliar room. At last she cannot stand it, and she slips from her room in search of reprieve.

The weathered bones of old ships tower around her, hulls that once knew the taste of the sea now a doorway here, a hall there. She wanders aimlessly through the pirate stronghold, trying to ward off the terror that grips her still by committing each winding passage, each dusty room to memory.

It does not work. Shipwreck Cove is aptly named, and alone in it’s twisting corridors, surrounded by they skeletons of long-wrecked ships, it feels a graveyard.

When Teague materializes out of a shadowy corner, she thinks him a ghost, has to stifle the scream that builds in her throat.

“Had your fill of wanderin’, have you my King?”

She flushes at the tone, angry that her fear is so transparent, but holds his gaze.

“I suppose I have.”

He smiles at that, a feral grin that glints with gold.

“Your court awaits.”

She lets him lead her through a twisting maze of halls, down staircases and through a small paneled door. It opens into the main hall, packed with pirates, yelling and drinking. The air swirls with smoke and the scent of strong rum, and for the time since a blade bit deep into Will’s chest, the terror that has gripped her falls away. She knows her purpose in this smoky hall filled with rowdy, rum-soaked pirates. She is their King, and she will lead them.

Stepping forward with her shoulders squared, she misses the slow grin that spreads across Teague’s weathered face.

Her voice rises high and clear above the din, a clarion call that draws the attention of every man in the room.

“Pirates,” she calls, “who is your King?"

it takes an ocean not to break; part six

potc, elizabeth swann, will/elizabeth, #fic, jack/elizabeth

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