Star Trek fanmix: All the Stars Glittering and Spread Out Before Us

Jun 28, 2011 15:02

Title: All the Stars Glittering and Spread Out Before Us
Subject: Spock/Uhura
Length: 8 songs
Summary: A hundred million suns and stars.
Notes: Made for singustosleep 's June challenge. Prompts were "at the movies" and "black and white." Spock, Uhura, and the gravitational pull of love. 
Credit: Textures from yunhecamelgraphicsmellowmint, and planets-bend-between-us

One. Asteroids Collide - Alessi’s Ark

your eyelashes they act as cloaks
for your telescope eyes
your eyes they point skywards
transmitting mockingbird's call to the skies
tell me why does love fly in, fly out
when you're barely looking?
i was not looking

Two. Moon - Sia

i watch you spin from afar
i drink you in and breath you out
i'm camouflaged by the timeline
i'm camouflaged when the sun shines
two ships passing in the night
two lips pressing ground the tides
i believe the world it spins for you
we will never be, i am the moon

Three. We Are Stars - The Pierces

we are stars, fashioned in the flesh and bone
we are islands, excuses to remain alone
we are moons, throw ourselves around each other
we are oceans, being controlled by the pull of another
and i just wanna be loved by you
yeah i just wanna be loved by you
i see nothing worse than to sail this universe without you

Four. Twilight Galaxy - Metric

i'm alright, come on baby
i've seen all the demons that you've got
if you're not alright now, come on baby
i'll pick you up and take you where you want
anywhere you want

Five. Two Planets - Bat for Lashes

show me moonlight on the sunrise
i've seen so many planets dancing
i've seen too many people hiding
show me sunset and i won't forget
that i am one of two planets dancing
i am part of two planets dancing
and life is so much dark and light
when day cannot exist without a night
and you are not separate from me
i am a heart that's full of life

Six. Travelling Like the Light - VV Brown

is there any wonder why i'm shining so tonight?
is there any wonder why i speed like motorbikes?
is there any wonder how you make me feel all right?
is there any wonder why my energy's so bright?
you know it ain't easy, you know it's so hard when love comes
i try to deny when my soul feels butterflies
and i try to resist when you say that it's all right
and i try to believe that it's nothing but a crush
but it's incredible, so incredible
i’m travelling like the light

Seven. Pilots - Goldfrapp

we're pilots watching the stars
the world pre-occupied
we're pilots watching the stars
who do we think we are?
ice and clouds, shimmer outside
rain just falls, at magic hour
it's just the sound of you and me

Eight. I Believe in Outer Space - Lovers

i believe in an outer space
with radio towers and super powers
where the car in the driveway will be that of a lover
you have waited your life over for
who's now climbing the stairs to your door
and it’s right now and it's instant
and it's far away and it's distant
and it's open and endless as love is

Feedback is love!

spock/uhura, star trek, nyota uhura, spock, #fanmix

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