Masterlist of Fanworks

Dec 01, 2021 19:04

A Song of Ice and Fire / Game of Thrones

The glaciers made you (and now you're mine)
Winter is coming, he thinks. Winter is here.
[Jon Snow/Jeyne Westerling] [Complete] [Written for asoiaf_exchange summer 2012]

Fairy Tales

Nobody's Girl
A modern retelling of Hans Christian Andersen's "The Snow Queen." 
[The Ice Queen, background Ice Queen/Kai, Gerda/Kai] [Complete]

Greek Mythology

She is a flower, withering away in the darkness.
[Hades/Persephone] [Complete]

the rosary her lips and tongue
The fall of Troy in four acts, through the eyes of its doomed prophetess.
[Cassandra of Troy, background Hector/Andromache] [Complete]

Harry Potter

The sound is breaking all my bones
It’s a cold, cruel sound, echoing through the still air of the Manor like an angry ghost, hungry and terrible.
[Lucius/Narcissa] [Complete]

His Dark Materials

On the other side of the sun
They leap into oblivion, and he falls forever.
[Asriel/Marisa] [Complete]

Pirates of the Caribbean

Cast Your Heart To The Tides
It has been ten years since she last tasted freedom, heady and sweet on her tongue.
[Jack/Elizabeth, mentions of Will/Elizabeth] [Complete]

it takes an ocean not to break
Elizabeth, after. [Post-AWE AU. Jack/Elizabeth] [WIP]
one - two - three - four - five - six

The Holly And The Oak
Winter finds them in the icy seas of the Atlantic.
[Gen: Elizabeth, Jack, Gibbs] [Complete] [Written for the blackpearlsails holiday ficathon 2010]

Drabbles for blackpearlsails:

Not A Star To See By
Wayward, Not Yet Astray
Your Name A Prayer Upon My Lips
Calling My Children Home
Worlds More Full of Weeping
Sea Law
I Am Weary, Let Me Rest
Borne Upon the Waves
All The Hurt Geography I Own
The Weight of Grief
Vox Serpentis
Alone I Fear The Tide
The Intersection of Parallel Lines
What's Past Is Prologue
Come My Way
The Pirate's Gospel


Hearts Like Ruined Cities
Kansas is nothing but wheat fields and open road.
[Sam/Ruby] [Complete] [Written for spn_hetexchange round two]

Peaceful Easy Feeling
They're in Texas again.
[Gen: John, Dean, Sam] [Complete] [Written for spnspringfling 2011]

Going Down
Ruin comes and ruin stays, and Jesus Christ the games it plays.
[Dean/Ruby] [Complete]

Heat of the Moment
Sam hates Florida. 
[Gen: Sam, Dean] [Complete] [Written for spnspringfling 2012]

The Hunger Games

there's a fire down below, but it's coming up here
"Coal burns slow and steady," he says. "But put a spark to a field of wheat, and you set the whole world on fire."
[Gen: Katniss, Thresh] [Complete]

gonna crawl inside your heart (gonna rend your ventricles apart)
Dark eyes, dark hair, dark heart.  
[Clove/Cato] [Complete]


Naturally Occurring Phenomenon
"Leah is a very broken person. That's okay. So is Jacob." Jacob, Leah, and how to piece back together your heart.
[Jacob/Leah, background canon pairings, Renesmee] [Complete]

Old Soldiers
Old soldiers never die, they just fade away.
[Jasper, background Jasper/Alice and other canon pairings] [Complete]

Veronica Mars

Long May You Run
They never write songs about the ones that come easy.
[Logan/Veronica] [Complete]

No Place To Rest My Head
Logan called them epic, once. 
[Logan/Veronica] [Complete]


Being Human - Sanguine - Aidan/Rebecca
His Dark Materials - And Worlds Between Us - Lyra/Will
His Dark Materials - It All Fell to Dust - Asriel/Marisa
Shakespeare - Nothing Gold Can Stay - Hamlet/Ophelia
Star Trek - All the Star Glittering and Spread Out Before Us - Spock/Uhura
Supernatural - Hellfire Girls - Meg & Ruby
Supernatural - Callow Lamb - Jessica
Supernatural - On Broken Wings - Jo/Castiel
Supernatural - Dead Air in Borrowed Lungs - Ruby, implied Sam/Ruby
Supernatural - Long Road Out of Eden - Anna, implied Anna/Castiel
Supernatural - Now the Wolf - Madison, implied Madison/Sam
Supernatural - Ashes to Ashes - Castiel/Meg
Supernatural - Bad Heart - Dean/Ruby
The Borgias - Crooked Lust - Cesare/Lucrezia
The Hunger Games - My Sorrows Learned to Swim - Finnick/Annie
The Hunger Games - Smoke Without Fire - Katniss
The Hunger Games - My Kingdom For A Lullaby - Rue & Katniss
The Vampire Diaries - You Left Me Lost in the Woods - Katherine/Damon
Twilight - I Saw You in the Wild - Jacob/Leah

#fic, #fanmix

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