One small step out of the grave...

Jan 03, 2012 09:12

 OK, now that I'm sorta sure I'm not going to die of whatever the hell it was that laid me low just before the Holidaze, it's time for a little work on 2012.

I'm going to keep this simple.  Real simple.  Like stupid simple.  Which truthfully is about all I can handle right now.

I am going to commit to one Goal and one Dream for 2012. (A Goal is something I can actually do something about while a Dream may depend on people and circumstances outside of my direct control.)

Goal: To finish this lesbian romance/urban fantasy/science fiction mashup novel within the next quarter and start the rewrite. Finding an editor and an agent would be lovely as well, but let's not get greedy here.

Dream: Get this son of a bitch published.

That's it.  No prayers for world Peace or that all the Repugnican candidates GDIF, none of that shit.  Like I said, I'm keeping it simple this year.

So, want to share one Goal and one Dream you have for this year?

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goals for 2012

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