Well, I got the chance to play Dragon Age: Origins at my brother-in-law's place over the weekend, and I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, it's very well-put-together, and I like the controls and combat system.
On the other hand, I really, really didn't like the setting. It's such a crapsack place, peopled largely by assholes. Why do I, the player, care about saving it?
I had some quibbles with the mechanics as well.
In the Kolcari Wilds area (about as far as I went), there are a number of chests that you simply don't get to open if you don't make a rogue, since the rogue they send out with you doesn't have the "pick locks" skill trained (or "deft hands", I guess). Also, there were a couple of quests that I left unfinished since I couldn't figure out any way to do them. The lockbox heirloom, for example -- I found the note saying that it was buried in their camp, but when I got to what seemed to be the camp there wasn't anything that stood out. Was it one of those situations where you're supposed to go buy a shovel and USE SHOVEL ON GROUND or something?