(no subject)

Apr 22, 2004 23:15

BeNYMaN55: where do you work?
your heart races: market basket
BeNYMaN55: sweetness
BeNYMaN55: whenever i help my grandma shop, she goes there
your heart races: awesome.
BeNYMaN55: lol
your heart races: you help your grandmother go shopping? how sweeeeet.
BeNYMaN55: i help my nana with everything.. I try to be a good grandson
BeNYMaN55: all the males on both sides of my family tend to suck as people and suck at life, so im trying to do my bit to reverse the trend
your heart races: good for you!!!
BeNYMaN55: then again, its not a hard thing to do... we have LOT of assholes swimming around our gene pool
your heart races: hhahahaha
BeNYMaN55: and i am an ideal specimen of finely cultured humanity
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