Tangled Web Chapter 2

Nov 14, 2012 13:28

Tangled Web Chapter 2

Disclaimer: I own nothing

Arthurs Notes: So this is going to be the last story in this AU verse at least for now. I’m not going to stop writing of course, but I am going to let the show open some more and see how they handle people finding out. Thanks for all the support and as always please, please, please, review.

Chapter 2

Thea looked up in surprise when Oliver walked into her room. He had gone to the police station to take the polygraph and she hadn’t expected him back so soon. She had been getting ready to jump in the shower before the evening’s festivities began and all she had on was a t-shirt and underwear. Looking at Oliver’s face caused all thoughts about parties to vanish, he looked haggard. “Ollie, baby what happened?”

“Nothing.” Oliver tried to reassure her with a small smile. “I passed.”

“Uh huh.” Thea motioned for Oliver to join her on the bed. He kicked off his shoes and laid down with a sigh his head resting on her lap.

Thea stroked his head softly. “So why do you look like you’ve been through the wringer?” She asked.

“Quentin asked about the island. He knew about my scars.” Oliver admitted closing his eyes.

Thea clenched her jaw, fury coursing through her. “That bastard.” She muttered, any sympathy she’d previously felt for Quentin Lance disappearing from his continuous assault on Oliver.

“It’s fine, babe nothing I can’t handle.” Oliver told her kissing her leg.

“Whether you can handle it or not is irrelevant, you shouldn’t have to.” Thea leaned over and placed a kiss on Oliver’s head.

Oliver wrapped his arms around her back, pulling her down so he could kiss her lips. His tongue probing her mouth gently creating a spark rather than an inferno.

Thea climbed on top of him, straddling his waist as they continued to kiss leisurely.

Oliver’s hands ran up and down her thighs before moving to her ass, cupping it and squeezing it softly.

Thea swiveled her hips rubbing against Oliver’s crotch causing his cock to harden painfully in his jeans.

Thea broke away from Oliver’s mouth long enough to pull her shirt over her head. Her nipples were already hard peaks and Oliver leaned up and latched onto one his lips sucking eagerly.

Thea’s head fell back as a low guttural moan came from her mouth. Oliver’s arms wrapped around her back holding her in place. She ground her hips against his crotch wanting him inside her now. Her hands moved to the waistband of his jeans, unbuttoning them and pulling down his zipper carefully. Her hand wrapped around his shaft while her thumb rubbed the head.

Oliver’s groan of pleasure was muffled into her breast. His hands moved down and griping the edge of her underwear ripped them off rather than release her for even a second.

Thea’s gasp of surprise quickly turned into a moan of desire as Oliver lifted her hips and settled her down on his cock.

Thea began to rock her hips slowly, her head thrown back and her hair cascading down around her shoulders. Oliver couldn’t tear his eyes away from her; she was the essence of perfection. Her tongue darted out of her mouth wetting her lips still swollen from their kisses.

Their eyes locked, both filled with love and desire as they slowly rode wave after wave of pleasure until the crest of their climaxes crashed over them, leaving them panting and coated with sweat.

Thea laughed softly, “Well if I didn’t need a shower before, I definitely do now.”

“Care for some company?” Oliver asked wiggling an eyebrow.

“Always.” Thea said laughing, “Come on, this party was your idea and you need to be seen from moment one.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Oliver muttered, with resignation. “Let the games begin.


Oliver’s room - Later that evening

Oliver felt a sense of apprehension as he led Laurel into his bedroom, he didn’t know why she had come but he had his suspicions. He listened to her prattle on about her father and him, her explanation about her mother made Oliver wince. It went a long way to explaining Quentin’s extreme hatred.

Her wanting to see his scars complicated things, he didn’t want her to get any ideas but he knew denying the request would only raise more questions. He unbuttoned his shirt slowly letting his scars be revealed.

“My God, Oliver how did you survive this?” Laurel’s voice was pained and her eyes filled with tears.

“There were days I wanted to die.” Oliver told her simply. “But I wanted something else more.”

When Laurel surged forward Oliver was caught momentarily by surprise, till her lips touched his and his reaction was instantaneous. He took a step back and pushed her away holding her still with by the shoulders.

“Oh, God.” Laurel said looking devastated and ashamed. “I have to go.” She tried to wrench free of Oliver’s grasp.

“Laurel, wait.” Oliver said not releasing her shoulders, “Please listen to me for one second.” Oliver looked her in the eyes. “You are such a good person, Laurel.” Oliver smiled slightly. “And I’m not, I never really was, I’m damaged, Laurel damaged beyond repair.” Oliver looked away uncomfortable talking about this, but he owed her this much at the least. “I want you to be happy, be with someone who deserves you, be with someone who can love you the way you deserve.” Oliver met her eyes once more. “But it’s not me, it never was and I’m sorry.”

Laurel stared at Oliver in shock tears running down her face. “I know, I don’t know…I’m sorry…I just don’t know what came over me.” She managed to get out at last.

“You care about people.” Oliver told her with a sad smile, “You empathize with their pain; it’s what makes you such a good lawyer.”

Laurel looked down her mind was spinning this Oliver in front of her was so different from the one she knew. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” She said at last needing to go home and think.

Oliver let go of her shoulders nodding. “Laurel.” He said before she could leave stopping her at the door. “You should give Tommy a chance, he’s not me, and he won’t hurt you like I did.” He turned to face her. “He’s a good man.”

Laurel bit her lip she was so confused, “Thank you.” She said softly before slipping out of the room.

Oliver closed his eyes and shook his head, “What a night.” He thought just as a knock sounded on his door and his phone rang.

The end

I know, I know it’s a crappy ending, but I wanted to get this done before tonight’s episode aired. I have a feeling something big is going to happen and it’s going to blow my verse out of the water. Anyway thanks to everyone who’s supported this verse and I’m sure I’ll have something new soon.

thea, arrow, fic, oliver

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