May 04, 2005 22:53
6 Days left...finally. I'm leaving. I have the money. I have the spirit. Now everybody pretend like I never existed so I can leave without crying. I'm ready to start my life. Be independent..cut completely from my family and be just on my o w n. I feel depressed for no reason. I don't feel like talking to anybody at all.
I'm scared though.
Listening to the Yeah Yeah yeahs is sorta depressing...
Listening to Bloc Party makes me happy and want to have an 80's themed night in my apartment.
Too bad I dont' have that apartment yet..=(
OMG listening to Franz Ferdinand makes me think of Tara and Ang and our good times in the scenster club Popscene..."find me and follows through corridors and factories"...
oh "the dark of the matinee" how I love always made me feel happier.
I need to pick up "Phantom of the Opera". I think I'm a sicko. I thought the Phantom was wicked hot. I like that sorta psycho sexiness in a man. Crazy but hott. I'm effin' weird.