Nov 23, 2003 10:17
For those of you who are not from Atlanta area there is a big issue currently happening that is affecting the Atlanta residents.
Our last mayor was pretty much a shithead and crooked. When he left office, he left Atlanta in the red big time. The new mayor is doing her best, but we are now in the process of having to get the sewer system repaired. As Atlanta is in the red, the only option was to increase the monthly bill for water and sewer bill for Atlanta residents. We are talking close to a %300.00 increase.
The governor stepped in and had a brilliant idea. He offered the idea of privatising the Atlanta Airport and selling it to the highest bidder. Many airports in the US have been privatised and studies have show that they run more efficiently, with cheaper prices, better security, etc. The profit Atlanta would have gotten would pretty much take Atlanta out of the red with surplus as well, not to mention one less bill the government would have to pay out of tax-payer money,
Everyone is for it, but it got stopped cold. Delta Airlines stepped in and vetoed it. How did this happen you may ask? Atlanta is the hub for Delta and apparently, the last couple of governors were in bed with Delta so Delta has a say so as to what decisions the government of Atlanta makes concerning the airport.
I live in Gwinnett County so I am not affected by this but I listened to many Atlanta residents in a meeting and many of them just can't afford that much of an increase on their bill. Shit, times are hard right now and many of us can barely pay what current bills we have.