Lightning Strikes

Sep 15, 2010 20:51

I have a job interview tomorrow. I have to find work just for health coverage alone.
It has been like living with the Sword of Damocles swinging over my head.  My COBRA health covereage ends November 1st.  I applied for private health insurance through Kaiser Permanente, after all their chirpy little ads on TV.  They rejected me for 8 different reasons. They offer me the "backup" HIPPA health plan that will cost over $1000.00 a month not including RX and high copays, as well low yearly benefit caps.

This is what the fucking Republicans have brought YOU.  The watered down, cheap-ass health care bill that will take forever to start helping those in real need.  You can and will be denied coverage for preexisting conditions until 2014.  Why the fuck couldn't they make that against the law NOW?  Why would the insurance companies need 4 years to be forced to implement this?  Because of the FUCKING REPUBLICANS care more about their stocks and payola than the people they claim to represent. And the PANSY-ASSED DEMOCRATS rolling over and playing dead even though they had a majority on the voting.  I am disgusted by how this country is running, and wish I had better options.  But forced into one.

Kaiser Diagnosed, and paid for my Kidney Transplant 17 years ago.  Now that is one of the several reasons they do not want to insure me now.  Pretty much says that they would have preferred I not survive. Would have cost them less.  Go ahead and look for that ATTITUDE in their so-called "THRIVE" campaign.
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