Title: Never Spoken, Never Forgotten
Author: Lavinia Lavender
Summary: Obstacles are finally out of the way, and the inevitable happens. Remus/Lily
Rating: PG for making-out
Warnings: kissing!
Word Count: 1,441
Author’s Note: My prompts were First Visit Home, Sloth (...it's kinda hard to see, I'm afraid) and the lyrics: Trees held us in on all
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First off, I really liked this, and I'm so glad you posted it! I thought you really captured a very teenage interaction between Remus and Lily, with her not knowing at first what, exactly, she thinks they should talk about, and then her rambling on, and Remus just sort of accepting that. ;)
Loved the reminders of the times in which they live, the world into which they will be heading soon, and how any one of them might be so drastically affected by What’s Going On. *shudder*
I adored Remus' uncertainty: “I don’t know what I want to do. I know I’ve talked about teaching or doing whatever James and Sirius suggest, but - I really don’t know. I don’t think any of that’s going to work out. I almost know it’s not going to. And - I just don’t know.” This is at once very teenage and very Remus.
And Lily's simple, abrupt honesty: “You sounded so sad when you said that.” Lovely bit of characterization there.
I thought your word choice here was wonderful: he knew he shouldn’t, he should stop, but he wouldn’t, not now. Not couldn't, but wouldn't -- he's making a choice, and I love that.
Just wonderful. :D
Thank you for the characterisation compliment - Lily's my original favorite character, though I've had others mount up pretty high, but I'm glad I still know her. And yes, the word choice in your last quote was important. It's such a relief when readers shows they understand the point you're trying to get across. Thank you!
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