Title: The Measure of a Man
gilpin25Summary: I’m sixteen years old and I’m in love with a girl who thinks I’m an arrogant, bullying toerag, and I don’t know how to change her mind as everything I do just makes it worse. James Potter, who usually has all the answers, has none for this... (James/Lily)
Rating: R
Warnings: Language; violence
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On a side note, I really like your OC, Euan. He's a fully fleshed character who really does help move this plot forward. And I like him. He's trying to keep his pain and embarrassment to himself, but clearly he's hurting. And yes, it's James Potter's fault. ;)
The scene with Remus was fantastic. I love how they dance around the issues, with Remus reminding him it's not always that easy to stand up to your mates. That scene struck me as very male -- well, the whole piece actually -- so kudos to you. And of course Remus would know exactly what James is saying and not saying, and understands how best to give him what he's not asking for. *cheers Remus, and you for writing him that way* :)
I really like your James, one who doesn't like people to know about the good things he does, and yet doesn't think about monitoring or curtailing the thoughtless pranks. And of course his actions have a ripple effect. It's lovely to see his growing awareness, and even better to know he had a hand in his own head's deflation. I really like that.
Snape, too, was spot on. I get the sense that he's nearly always out of control when it comes to James, and this is no exception. It totally fits with his character, and the way he behaves later with Harry.
The moment with Sirius and his sweet nothings bears mentioning, too, because of course his blithe acceptance of Peter's "easy for you" comment is so very Sirius. Even though he's a complete egomaniac, we can't help but love him. And we get glimpses of Sirius' family pain in some of what James reveals in his inner monologue. Nice details.
Oh, I could go on and on, but I will close with the scene between James and Lily, which I thought was absolutely romantic, perhaps because of his vomiting, lol. You are so very good at making a romantic scene unconventional, and I love that. :D Suddenly he's letting her see HIM, truly him, and we get the sense that she could start to like the real James Potter, the one who knows that the smart comments don't help anything or anyone, least of all him. That was a perfect way to end this piece.
Truly lovely work. I'm sorry it took me so long to read it. It is splendid. :)
I find it very difficult to get a handle on James from the books - and DH made it even worse, though I think any man who lets his wife have a cat obviously has a kind and sentimental streak somewhere. Or just can't say no to her, lol. But he seems a mass of contradictions at times, and when JKR revealed the order in which The Prank and Snape's worst memory had happened it seemed to make it even worse. So I thought I'd try and write a fic which shows how so many people can see him in different ways, at the same time as he gets the first wake-up call that perhaps he isn't as incredibly cool and popular as he thinks.
I'm very glad you like Euan; I debated about using Peter in that role, but I wanted someone who (hopefully) is instantly likeable, thinks the sun shines out of James, but is getting hurt because of him and his carelessness to other people's feelings. I thought it would have more impact if it was someone James never really even thinks about who first makes him glimpse the truth, rather than Lily for all his soul-searching over her.
Of course, my answer to writing James/Lily is to turn the thing into a lengthy James and Remus conversation. ;) I hoped Remus would give James what he needs to hear, but still show that James is supremely oblivious to quite a few things that are important to Remus. But then I am thinking he doesn't turn himself round into Saint James, Head Boy, overnight - this is only supposed to be the start of things to come.
And I could hug you for liking the vomiting (un)romantic ending! I didn't know if it would read as I hoped or not, but I thought the one person James would show humility for, to be, literally, the knave, was the girl he wanted above everything and everyone else. The idea of him defenceless on his knees, throwing up at her feet, was so that she'd see him in a whole new, unfavourable light (he'd think), but, actually, what with that and letting Snape go, he couldn't have done anything smarter to open her eyes to possibilities. Which will make Snape loathe him even more.
Thank you so much for your wonderful review and your insightful comments. I hope you know they mean such a lot.:D
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