May 05, 2006 13:19
today i'm 20. cue the most anxious year of my life.
no but seriously, it feels good to be this old. i am almost at the apex of being at the point where getting older is suddenly less cool/avoided. this feels good. i am almost at my peak!
kinda weird how birthdays lose meaning. like when i was a kid i would loose my shit on my birthday. best day ever next to ol' christmas. now it's like, "cool. it's my birthday. people will give me free alcohol. next year cops can get off my back." it still really feels good though. but bad time of year. far from my family, but isn't that true for any college student not born in the summer or around christmas?
wednesday night at work i served four cops. and when i brought the last cop his food (i think his name patch said "barracuda" i think), he said, "aww thanks dude." which leads me to my new theory. now i haven't had any run ins with the apd, no freshman fright stories, but from what i have "gathered" from secondary sources around me, people, austinities and houstonians alike, seem to think the cops here suck more with comparison to say, houston police. "they pull me over for stupid shit" they say; or "this crap would never happen in houston" they'll assert.
these opinons are all fine and dandy, but how do you explain the "thanks dude?" how do you explain how on numerous occassions i have seen cops with SLEEVES of tattoos waltzing around the drag? i have concluded that apd cops are cool in principle, but not in practice. i mean it's austin. what other town in texas can you think of that has cops that have sleeves and say "dude?" austin cops are cool in the way they have nice personalities and how they have ink in their arms because of the town the hark from, but i guess that's where it stops, as from what i have been reading in the papers, extreme violence with tasers and fists towards suspected criminals is a regular occurence. because as far as actions and behavior go, apd cops seem to adopt a strange reactionary, austere anger-behavior policy towards the citizens of their "weird" little capitol. like yeah, hippie man, you can run around with no shoes on and smell and be a lazy quiet, wasted hippie on the bus at 4PM, but overtly break any laws, and you're fucked.
it's either that or it's the damn hippie liberal spin of those austin newspapers i read.
whatever. those cops left me $5, and that's a good tip where i work. i was good to them.
ok peace out. i gotta eat my lzzunch packed, and the go to french. last class of sophomore year ever. booyah. rock show tonite my house. i'm 20.