Anyone got any smart ideas about how to de-felt a knitted tunic?

Mar 21, 2010 12:18

Grrrrh!!! So, my knee length woolen tunic which was the first thing I've ever knitted (knitting tres expensive -- the cumalitive cost of the wool was more than buying a brand new dress from Karen Millen (though it didn't feel like it at the time, 'cos I bought two balls of yarn a week instead of cigs, until I had enough wool to make a start)) managed to get boiled in the washing machine (even though I put it in on a silk wash at 30) and is now seriously felted.

Should I

a. throw my arms up in the air and bemoan life?
b. cut it in half down the middle and turn it into a jacket?
c. utilise some smart idea I haven't thought of, but you guys are going to suggest 'cos you're all brainy like that? Also one of you is a costume designer and thus totally knows stuff about fabrics and might know how to rescue something felted... So I'm particularly looking at you Kraken, but ideas from everyone else would be cool too.

Grrh!!! Any smart ideas, anyone?
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