Morning has broken

Jun 13, 2008 04:57

well... technically I should be doing something or other with Poincaire something or others or maybe they're Jacobian somethings or others (God knows, I certainly don't) and also I have The Deadline from Hell.

However...  I finally got round to reading Lois McMaster Bujold's "The Warriors Apprentice" and I am now officially in lurve with Ivan Vorpatril. Don't go rain on my parade by pointing out that he's kinda not my type and also not real. I don't care.  It's love I tell you, love. Also, I'm going to go and read the next one in the series (soon as Forbidden Planet opens). Deadlines be dammed! I've still got four days and that's what caffine is for.

Funniest remark of today (though I guess it's strictly yesterday):
 "Well it's not like he's stupid.... it's just... it's just that he's an architect."
And what made my day the most about that remark was that it was made by a drummer. It seems that there is always someone lower on the rungs of scorn.
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