(no subject)

Mar 10, 2005 15:05

Well, mid terms are over and I am completely exhausted. I wasn’t supposed to have my chem test until after spring break, so when he told us at the last minute that it was yesterday, it completely ruined my study schedule. I ended up spending all of Monday and Tuesday cramming for chem, which was the time I had initially set aside for studying micro.

I woke up feeling like crap. I had my micro test this morning, and I’m not sure it went real well. There was a whole lot of “what is the name, gram reaction, and morphology of the microbe that causes syphilis?” and other such complicated questions. Eeek. I simply haven’t had near enough sleep to remember details like that.

In other news:

Today is me and Ted’s 3 year anniversary!!!!

It sucks that we’re both too tierd to really enjoy it, but it is special, none the less. I have to work 5-midnight, but he’s going to pick me up on my luck break with Chinese takeout, and we’re going to the place where we had our first kiss to eat it! Awwww….

Well, I’ve got lots to do before I leave for work, so I’ll update again when spring break starts stressing me out too much.

Oh yah, and Sunday night I’ll be wasted away again in Margaritaville with Ted and some friends.

Oh god, yes.

I can’t fucking wait.

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