a/n: After a long time, we have returned! lol! This chapter is actually and surprisingly smut-free. >.>
disclaimer: I don't own 'em. I just play with 'em from time to time.
First thing he felt was numbness. It didn't even feel as if his body was there at all. He tried to open his eyes, but they were being stubborn and didn't want to open. He was very tired of seeing the insides of his eyelids.
Knowing that his body needed more rest, didn't stop him from trying to open his eyes. He had some where more important to be. There was to be no more deali-dallying anymore.
Conquering his rebellious eyes, Sirius Black opened his grey orbs, and then glared at the woman who just walked into the small room. Sure, he just woke up, but his senses, although a little sluggish, told him this was no ordinary hospital room. And the woman was no ordinary person. She wanted something from him, this much he knew.
Maybe being a fugitive of the wizarding world was good for something, it made him trust his instincts more; or at the very least, made him a much more paranoid bastard.
What was it about her and the room, both made his skin crawl. The woman made Padfoot howl and growl. For some reason, Sirius was thinking snake; and he hated snakes.
"Ah... Mr. Black, it's good to see that you're finally awake." the woman said smoothly with a pleasant smile, "My name is Lilah Morgan."
"Where the fuck am I?" he growled, not giving a damn about who she was.
"You're in the medical facilities of Wolfram and Hart." she replied, taking no notice of his growl.
He nearly started howling himself when he heard that name. Wolfram and Hart. He carried no love for the company, but there was a healthy amount of fear. He knew how the firm worked; especially, after seeing how it worked outside the wizarding world.
Wolfram and Hart didn't bring him back out of the kindness of their hearts. Nope, their hearts were black and cold as ice; if they had hearts. They were Evil with a capital "E". They definitely wanted something from him. But what?
"I'm outta here." he rumbled and slid out of bed.
Luckily, he had some clothes on. But at that moment, he didn't care. He just wanted out, nudity be damned.
"I'm afraid you can't go, Mr. Black." Lilah said, still as pleasant as before, "You owe us a favor."
That was right...
Sirius stopped before he reached the door. Thinking hard and long, he didn't want to owe these creatures anything. Suddenly, a thought hit him and his eyes brighten. Pasting a very smug, yet, pleasant smile on his face, he whirled around to look at the slimy female.
"Who said I owe you anything?" he asked.
Thrown off kilter by his attitude, she hesitated for a moment. "The Senior Partner."
"Why have you brought me back?"
"A Narcissa Black wanted you to be brought back."
"You mean Malfoy. If she wanted me back, then why would I owe you anything? I didn't ask your 'Senior Partners' to bring me back. So, I don't owe you a favor. But Narcissa Malfoy does." he said logically, turned and left the small room and the dumbfounded lawyer.
He left with a little information and a question. Why would Narcissa want to bring him back? They held little to no love for the other.
That didn't matter now. Sirius Black was back and he had some where to be.
Sunnydale, here he comes.
The boy was moping again; not like he did anything else for the pass three weeks.
Spike stared at the brown hair boy, trying to make it seem like he wasn't staring. He didn't and couldn't understand the sudden change.
Three weeks ago, the vampire was practically drowning in the pheromones of the very sexed boy. Xander, when he actually made it to the Scooby meetings, was a drowsy, dreamy-eyed boy. He oozed well fucked, and he slouched where-ever he sat. The scents coming from the boy made the vampire light headed, higher than a kite, and giddy as a school girl.
...AND sexually frustrated as a monk in a whorehouse.
Spike could look and smell, but he sure as hell couldn't touch. He didn't want the boy running to the slayer telling her the vampire tried to molest him.
So, Spike did the next best thing. He shadowed the boy during and after patrol. Knowing that Xander smelled like the most mouth-watering, expensive piece of chocolate ever, Spike was more than willing to take on any demon after the boy. Since the vampire couldn't have the pleasure of fucking the boy, he got his jollies by fighting and killing all the other demons going after the boy's delectable ass.
But all that was three weeks ago, nearly seemed like an eternity. The demons actually started to go after Xander less and less as the boy grew to be such a sad sack. Hell, the boy's scent became bitter and unappetizing to the master vampire and other demons. In fact, the change in scent practically drove all demons away.
Spike could honestly say he wanted the well-fucked boy, who nearly drove him crazy by sexual frustration, back.