Nov 05, 2005 23:29
We chipped grants PS2 last week:
Shadow of The Colossus: Possibly the best, most innoventive, impressive looking game i have played. Truly Epic! From the team who brought you Ico! Kinda similer exept this time your climbing on Massive Colossi all in the aid to get your dead Girlfriend Back to Life, fair trade i guess! Truly Impressive.
Full Metal Alchemist 2: KInda Disappointing, Starts at the first episodes and kinda branches off, its great seing ed and al in game but they got the crappy american dub, and ED says things he just would never say. Combat system kinda primitive but you can transmute random objects into weapons and gins and big Bowling Balls!
Sould Calibur 3: YOU can Make your OWN characters. Fear Darius with his White Swimsuit!
JUst went to See NIghtwatch at the Belmont: WOW!! A very refressing film indeed, there are some silly bits in it ...the computer game bits being one but the whole style is great. It doesnt bother explaining the word the film evolves around, it justs throws you in after a quick explanation on a bridge. The main guy also looks like Bono!! and the evil guy has takes his spinal solumn out and uses it as a sword!! A SPINAL COLUMN SWORD!!!!! The subtitles are amazing they are actually part of the movie, characters moving infront of them and subtitles diappearing behind pillers and the next line apperaring from the other side. wornderous indee. THere also ery CLive Barker elements in it, the Gloom this wierd place were everyone speaks like there in silent hill and only the others can go, also the Vortex like somthing straight out of Weaveworld. I can only look forward to the next instalment. Essentially the film is about lies, and coz somene else lies then someone else thinks its ok if they lie and on in a similer fashion.