Yes, another sick day. I can't believe I'm still coughing and sneezing about as much as I was on day one, and we're on day 4 now. I've just called to make a dr appt which will probably consist of "yes, you are sick, no we can't give you anything for it, here's your note for work". I would rather go and hear that than push myself to go back to work while something lingers and find out I should have gone.
I've been taking Panadol cold & flu drink, ginger drinks, spiced berry cordial with a touch of honey, Benedryl mucus and cough mix and a vitamin c/zinc/echinacea/garlic tablet (2 of those) daily. If anything this should be breaking. Yesterday I started getting aches and my cough got worse. Not a good sign.
Here's a couple of distractions for you to enjoy.
winneganfake posted some new art at his Deviant Art site. I love his style, that old-parchment look always draws my attention. It's really cool, go check his stuff out and put it on your Christmas wish list.
You can find the below piece
Here is what he has on the page with the print, sounds intriguing!
Lost Between
The Devices And Desires
Of Thought and Memory,
I awaken from dark dreams
into the nightmares of reality.
Yes, a new Book of Memories piece, after a rather long time- this piece started as a tattoo commission for a friend, and then, well, got a bit out of control- each mashup of symbology on the sides of the piece, if you convert it to simple lines and letters, actually is a molecular diagram- specifically, that of a caffeine molecule.
He's got a site called
Tormented Artifacts with things like prints and masks and steampunky goodness. He's also got a limited edition
Windrow Ravenswood playing card deck that replaces the tradtional suites with unique artwork. I think it would make an interesting tarot deck as well.
ETA: 1 1/2) Angela Hunt has just posted one of her beautifully amazing photos at her LJ, Quenessa.
Here's the link, take a peek at this beautiful woman, titled "Lost Soul" which is part of Angela's Heaven and Hell series. Check her art out at
her Imagekind store. Angela also has the micropress,
Huntpress which now has a new computer to turn out more cool prints!
ysabetwordsmith has opened her Poetry Fishbowl today. The theme is corruption & redemption. You can take any aspect of it and give a prompt
the DW Poetry Fishbowl or at
the LJ Poetry Fishbowl.
If you are new to the fish bowl, this is a form of crowdfunding that she employs monthly. You are welcome to stop in and leave a prompt. From that she'll create a poem. You can donate to see the poetry she created from other prompts, to put funds towards long poems that are works-in-progress or in the general fund that gets voted on which poems that were created are shared. It doesn't cost to participate so if you are fund-less you can still prompt and read some of the stuff she's created. She also has non-cash perks for things like new people linking to the fishbowl.
I have found her poetry to be thoughtful and image-rich. I have 2 of her poetry books, I've read halfway through one. I had to put it down for now, it made me nostalgic about California and my relationship with the land there. Written words are strong things and I will pick the books up again, when I'm in a better place to appreciate them.
wyld_dandelyon is one of my favourite on-line story tellers. I have enjoyed several of her short stories. The story called Feather-Blessed
starts here in the DW version with links to the sequels at the bottom and
here in the LJ version.
meeks is collaborating and illustrating it
here. Check them both out and leave a comment or a tip. Comments and tips will progress the drawing and the story.
Meeks explains how it works with her drawings here and Wyld_Dandelyon gives it a brief explanation
4) That leads me into a general talk about crowdfunding. This might be new to some of you, while others here will have seen me post on it before. The basic premise is that you can have an impact in creating the kinds of stories, songs, art that you want to see. We're becomming more accustomed to being spoon-fed our entertainment and art. We're removed from the process. Crowdfunding puts the audience back into the equation. Part of our power comes in combining our funds and putting them towards what we want to see. The other part comes from interacting with the creators in the process, to inspire them and encourage them so they continue to create the kinds of things we enjoy.
It's kind of like the feudal patronage model, except you don't have to be some rich baron living in a castle (metaphorically of course) to be a patron. You don't have to be rich. Many artists who participate in crowdfunding have low and no-cost options.
There is an interesting article here at the LJ crowdfunding comm by
ysabetwordsmith talking about some non-cash ideas.
The crowdfunding comm
at LJ and the one at DW
crowdfunding are both good places to learn more about different aspects of crowdfunding. If you are a creator, see what others are doing. If you can't create but always have thought "why aren't there more stories with X in it" or "I would love to see a painting with Y" check it out. There are many models and many ideas there.
I'm going to wander off, drink some more coffee, watch more of Supernatural and rest up a bit before my dr appt.
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