--If you are at DW I'm behind on my comments. I've spent the last 2 nights catching up on some of my LJ ones so am not as behind there as I am here now but still working on it!
--First, background: We use a stats system at work to track work done and it's supposed to allow for planning work levels and then allowing staff in a less-busy area to be loaned to a more-busy area (this assumes skill levels are sufficient for this, rarely they are but that's another post). Someone who is in on those stats meetings said it's like being in a commodities trade negotiation when my name is mentioned :) That makes me feel good, to know that I'm useful to 2 teams who both want me. There are problems in my current team, sometimes I don't feel like my input is appreciated so that helps to know that.
--Has been busy today being split between 2 teams. Have noticed I can get easily distracted and need to find better ways to concentrate so I can be more productive and more accurate in my work. But I had an assistant corporate manager thank me a couple of times & say I was a star for finishing the docs I started yesterday. It was a bigger deal and I spent all yesterday and about 3 1/2 hrs today doing the majority of the docs. It was nice to know my work was appreciated.
--Loreena McKennitt is in, the DVD of her being live at the Alhambra. Excellent music, beautiful shots. This, the sage I re-discovered and burned bits of yesterday and the day before, and my excitement over walking the labyrinth next week are all a reflection of my yearning for a re-connection with the spiritual side of myself I had about 10 or 12 yrs ago. I don't know where it will lead me but the music and sage both have brought me comfort. The sage especially, I felt like I took a big breath & let out a lot of "stuff" that I'd been holding on. Don't know where it will lead me.
--Want to go shooting this weekend if weather permits. Also want to hit the 2nd hand shops Sat morning so I can try to find a few jars/bowls/etc for terrariums.
--Need to make more of my slowcooker granola, have been out a long time and would really like to make some. Also should make some bread, has been ages for that too.
--Loreena's now singing Yeats'
The Stolen Child. My favourite poem.
"...Come away O Human Child!
to the waters and the wild
with a faerie hand in hand
for the world's more full of weeping than you can understand"
The imagery and alliteration in that poem touches me.
--Worked on a few photos the last couple of nights. I am going to maybe push through and do a few this weekend and then start on my Blurb book, although I'll need to go take a few more photos so I've got a good section to chose from.
--There's an interesting
Blog post on High Fructose Corn Syrup. I don't know if we get it here in NZ as much as the US but it does pose some very interesting thoughts.
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