Till Death Do We Part Ch. 4

Jul 27, 2008 22:31

Till Death Do We Part?
Summary: AU story. Michael has an unwanted presence in his head which will either drive him into insanity or gain him a soul. Set around Kindred. Teyla/Michael
Disclaimer: Still don't own them.
Here’s the fourth chapter. And as always much thanks to Alauralen for being my beta.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Solaris slowly reentered Michael’s mind. Luckily for her he seemed too preoccupied with the reports in front of him to notice that she had been missing. She stayed quiet for several minutes and listened in on his thoughts. She could feel the anger bubbling inside of him and didn’t have to wait long before learning just why he was so irritated.

“How dare she call me heartless?” he hissed. “They were the ones who drove me to this point. The Atlanteans acted on the need to survive. That is all that I am doing, yet she looks at me and sees some type of monster,” he said with bitterness in his voice.

Oh, did she hurt your feelings? Solaris asked mockingly.

“Shut up, I don’t feel like dealing with you right now.”

Someone’s a little touchy.

Michael didn’t reply as he gave up on reading the reports he had on the table. Minutes later, one of the hybrids entered the room, carrying a bowl of food in his hand.

“What is it?” Michael impatiently questioned.

“She said she will not eat.”

Michael released an annoyed sigh. “Give me the food then leave,” he ordered and watched as the hybrid placed the bowl on the table in front of him before walking away.

No wonder she won’t eat. I mean look at that thing. Are you sure it’s even edible? Solaris laughed.

“Don’t you ever get tired of talking?”

Solaris paused as if pretending to think about the question. Nope.

“One day, one day soon,” he whispered as he imaged the day he would be rid of her.

Promises, promises, she replied. A moment later she felt him summon Kanaan through their telepathic link. What are you doing? Solaris questioned as she tried to understand the jumble of thoughts running through his mind.

“I’m going to reintroduce her to her beloved Kanaan.” Michael practically hissed the other man’s name.


“Because I want to see the look on her face when she realizes that the father of her child has become nothing more than a pathetic puppet.” An evil smirk appeared on his face.

So, in other words, you’re just trying to hurt her.

Michael said nothing.

I hope you know that you’ll just end up making her hate you more than before.

“Does it look like I care?”

You can pretend all you want but I know the truth, Solaris said as if it were a threat.

Michael was about to reply when Kanaan entered the room.

“Here, I want you to give this to the prisoner.” Michael handed Kanaan the bowl.

The prisoner? Why not say her name in front of him? Afraid that he might start to remember who he is?

“That is none of your concern,” he hissed, as he stared at Kanaan who had begun to walk out of the room. Michael waited a few seconds before following him.


Teyla was sitting on the bench within her cell when she heard foot steps approaching.

“I told you, I am not hungry,” she said before turning her head. Kanaan? His name echoed through her mind as she quickly got up and walked over to him. “Kanaan!” she nearly shouted with joy.

However, he merely stared at her with a blank expression on his face. It was then that she noticed the deep grooves that were along both sides of his nose. Kanaan slowly lifted his hand, indicating for her to take the bowl he was holding.

Teyla completely ignored the food. “What has he done to you?” The happiness that she had felt seconds before swiftly vanished, leaving her with only sadness and confusion. “Kanaan. It is I, Teyla. I came for you, just like you asked.”

“Just like I asked.” Michael stepped out from the shadows he had been hiding amongst. “I was the one in your visions, disguised as him.” He walked up to Teyla’s cell and stood beside Kanaan.

Teyla looked back and forth between the two of them. “No, you are lying!” She shook her head in disbelief. “That is impossible.”

“Is it?” He smiled at her then turned to Kanaan. “Still refusing to eat I see.” He took the bowl from the other man. “Leave,” he ordered Kanaan.

“No, Kanaan stay.” She tried to reach for him through the bars of her cell. She had a hold of his sleeve but he roughly pulled away from her and left.

“Don’t bother trying to speak to him. He is no longer the man you knew.” His voice lacked the cockiness he had spoken with moments ago.

Teyla looked away from Michael as her emotions raged inside of her. She felt light headed and dizzy, but she refused to show any weakness in front of him. Instead, she steadied her breathing and turned back to him with anger burning in her eyes.

“Why have you brought me here?” Unshed tears shone in her eyes as she spoke.

Michael chose to completely ignore her question. “When I first met you, I realized that there was something different about you; something that set you apart from the others. I may not be foolish enough to consider us friends, but we do have a history. And you're still the only one, human or Wraith, who's ever come close to understanding what I've been through.” An almost human expression appeared on his face.

She was slightly startled by what he had said, but the anger she felt towards him did not lessen. “Really?” she replied, but it was evident by her tone that she did not believe him.

“There is more of a bond between us than you know.”

“You still have not answered my question. Why am I here?”

Michael was silent for a moment, and almost seemed hesitant when he finally replied. “The hybrids that I have created have several flaws… flaws that I will be able to correct with the help of your child.”

Teyla’s hand immediately touched the swell of her belly. “No, you stay away from my child. He will play no part in your sick plan.”

“I won’t harm him if that is what you’re worried about.”

“I said no.” She spoke through clenched teeth.

“Well, you don’t exactly have much say in the matter. Now do you?” His eyes darkened for a moment. Teyla said nothing as she looked away from him, but he could clearly see hurt, anger and, strangely enough, a look of betrayal on her face. Michael found himself struggling with unwanted emotions as he fought the urge to reach out to her. “This is all for the best,” he said as if trying to justify his actions. “The Wraith will be gone and a new dominate race will emerge.”

Teyla struggled to keep herself calm as fear and panic consumed her. She wanted to scream, wanted to shout, but she held her tongue as Solaris’ words echoed in her mind. She had come to a decision; she knew that she had to gain Michael’s trust in order to somehow stop him.

Michael looked as if he was becoming unnerved by the silence. He took a step closer and held out the bowl in between the bars. “Eat.”

She turned to him and still said nothing.

“I will allow you to see your people once we have reached our destination, but only if you eat.”

Teyla stared at him for a moment longer before snatching the bowl from his hand.

“In time I hope you will come to see things my way,” he said before leaving. He slowly walked down the corridors and tried in vain to remove Teyla from his thoughts.

You forgot to answer my question, Solaris said.

“And what would that be?” he mumbled.

I want to know the reason why you never say Teyla’s name in front of Kanaan.

“He doesn’t deserve to hear or speak her name, let alone have her.” A slightly familiar feeling filled his senses, one that he dare not name.

But you do, right? She expected him to yell at her or to say nothing at all, but instead she heard him softly reply, “No, neither do I.”


I hope you liked the fourth chapter. Let me know what you thought about it:)

michael, teyla, fanfiction

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