FOX was to show the last two episodes of 'Drive' tonight. But..THAT didn't happen. Instead it was some Adam Sandler movie that everyone has seen at least once. Even the TV Guide thing said it was to be Drive. So that was the FOX's last chance at any redemption..and they failed miserably. *spits on them*
Where is
elrawien? I've not talked to her since the 27th of June. *sobs* I miss our talks. Tell that brother to let you use that PC so we can talk about important my growing addiction to Jaeho. *giggle* Besides the 4th(still here) was Jin's Birthday. Wonder what Kame gave him? *eyebrows*
That interview..well I guess it didn't go to well. I didn't get the postion..even though I ALREADY DO THE WORK!!! Other's got it, including my fellow Vin lover. I'm happy for her..but not to be mean, I'm not teaching anyone how to do the stuff I do. Frak that! They told me I needed to work on my interview skills. LMAO! Of course they do those funky interviews where they ask wacky questions that don't really relate to what your doing. They don't ask, 'Do you know how to do a spreadsheet?' or stuff like that. *rolls eyes* They said next time. I said 'Whatever'.
I've been off this whole week. Kinda nice. We stayed home for the 4th instead of going to Kentucky since we are the poor folk. LOL But I've enjoyed sleeping whenever I want. Organzing my files and updating my mp3 player. And mostly not having to deal with work..since I'm not good enough for them. I hope they were so backed up this week. HA!
I went to the dentist last thursday, as well as the kids. Seems I had to get a root canal instead so I go back on the 16th to get a crown. Fun fun fun..not! Just more money I have to spend from the fix my 'biatch' car fund. Kids went to and both of them have to get work done as all in all, I'll be spending about $1000. I at least will have extra funds coming in from my pay since I start my new shift schedule on the 9th. Extra 12% a paycheck.
I attempted to play around in PSP..but I just can't make anything. I want to..but everything comes out not being what I want it to be. *shrugs*
*huggles flist* Hope everyone is having a decent week..and those in the states, hope you had a nice 4th.