Oct 14, 2006 21:19
Soooo..just about an hour after the prior post..this lovely monitor fixed itself. And it's now been working for 24 hours without issue. So I'm not sure why it screwed all up when I first hooked it up last night. But I'm gonna leave the fraker on for now and see if it reverts back to being bad.
But since it was behaving I too a chance and played in PSP. God that felt so good! I made a new header for my journal. For those that don't know who he is..this is Rain(Bi). He's Korean..and was voted by TIME magazine as one of the most influential people in the world this year. He'll being releasing an album in the states next year..so watch out for him. :)
I was trying to play with the S2 layout on the new/improved LJ stuff. I figured out easily how to do most of it but How do you get the header to be above the the actual journal??? I can do that easily on S1 as I have the override code for that. But S2 doesn't allow you to that. Can anyone help me with this? I would be very appreciative. :)