Crazy scientists - they're out of their minds

Oct 26, 2005 09:33

I'll say this for staying at the lab until 11:30 - it's extremely quiet and conducive to studying. I got both Biochem chapters read and all the questions done, in between harvesting cells at various timepoints. Plus, Scott stayed really late working on his protein assay. He's so outwardly staid and quiet, but we were having a hilarious time last night. He kept thinking he heard phones ringing, and so to mess with him I called the lab from the office across the hall.

I got home late and went straight to bed. Hauled my sorry behind out of bed at 6:00 this morning for the next timepoint. The buses don't run until 7:30, so I slogged it to campus through the dark and cold and rain, thinking that I must really care about the outcome of this project. After harvesting my cells and went back home for a shower and a large breakfast (I kept bribing myself with the promise of eggs and toast while walking through rain that turned to sleet, then snow, then back again.) I'm actually feeling pretty good right now and, let's face, I do care about this project.

In between class, timepoint harvests, and staining, there's an innate immunity seminar that I really want to go to, and tonight I'll go run again. It shoould be a good day - here's to hoping it lives up to its potential.
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