Apartment fun

Aug 22, 2008 13:08

Hallo internets! I am here again, updating on my life that no one reads about. I don't particularly blame you, interents, as I wouldn't read about my boring life anyway. But I suppose that in fifty years if this website and this blog still exist I should at least have something to laugh at.

Anyways, TJ and I just moved into our first apartment last Saturday, making it almost a week since we've been official residents of Oswego, NY. There are a few things I've learned, such as:

~There is ALWAYS too much stuff. Even if it doesn't look like a lot, it is.
~Everything is too expensive. Everything. Even the ears of corn for 30 cents.
~Finding a cheap kitchen table is close to impossible. If it exists, it's six hours away and that's AFTER checking Craigslist.
~I really miss having an internet connection (I'm typing this in the library).

But we're having fun, preparing ourselves for the six AM wake up calls that come with classes and jobs. Well... he won't have classes, since he's teaching this semester, but I will. Five to be exact. Luckily they're all fun classes and electives, so at least I'll be enjoying the stress sometimes. But all that starts Wednesday.

Until then, we should be getting our internet soon enough (thank god) so that I have something to do with my time. I've been reading Red Dragon and I plan to finish the entire "Hannibal Lector" series sometime soon. Seeya later!
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