Mar 28, 2008 21:39
I finally saved up enough to get more work done on my car. Sweet. There's still more improvements I want to make, and then I've got to finish getting the bodywork done. Still dented from Kou's adventure. You don't drive into lightpoles, moron.
So another note from the People Shouldn't Own Computers File:
Woman came in today, complaining that her laptop's mouse was broken because it couldn't make up and down movements. Brand new laptop, just bought it from us. And there's been complaints about that mouse before. So okay, no problem. I hook it up to her laptop and test it, fine. So I give it to her to test.
She tells me again that it's not working for up or down movements.
...Because to move the cursor up, she was literally LIFTING THE MOUSE INTO THE AIR.
(ooc: strike deleted)
my car