Just the other day I was having a conversation with one of my best friends, who is a former fan, about how radical the James Marsters fandom is and how difficult is to navigate through it.
Of this past weekend's drama the only thing I'm happy for is that I missed the event. Thank God for that. As for the rest, I'm sorry to disagree with most of my fellow Marsters fans and friends. I don't want all-smiles insincere James and I don't want unprofessional James either. I just want the James that makes me feel great -I know I'm greedy- even if he is tired and moody. I met that James in 2008 and yet he made me feel special.
Anyway, what is done is done and people will keep talking about what this for a long time and it will become one of the stellar moments in fandom.
One last thought. I wonder if the solution could have been as simple as James taking a few minutes -maybe more than a half an hour- to collect himself and then go on with the show. He could have apologized for the delay and explain everyone about the niece's issues. It would have been human James and professional James, all in one.
Entry is public. Feel free to disagree.
ETA on early November: I'm making this post available only to my longtime friends, those who I trust