Jan 30, 2005 21:10
yeah so this week was pretty cool. I saw In Good Company with Sashy, Christina and Jessica on wednesday. I LOVE TOPHER GRACE! I didn't think the ending was all that great, but hey I love Topher.. it's all good. I did other stuff for the other minimum days but I cant remember exactly, which means it probably wasn't important... so ya who cares.
I had an incident with my vacuum yesterday. I am scared of that beast like how my dalmatian is scared of it. :/
I went to church today and helped pass out forms and pencils for service hours.. yah. After wards, Christina's mom took Sashy, Christina and I to confirmation. I was waiting all week to see someone and I only got to take a glimpse at him.. and that was it! Ugh. whatever. I have to wait two more weeks now.. i think.
Minimum day tomorrow again! woo.