Jan 13, 2005 21:01
I think ive been changing. Ive become a bit more independent, and I like it. Im not as a nervous freak or scared as I use to be. BITCHEN.
Ive been doing a lot lately, and Ive been doing better in school, im not as lazy to do my homework and stuff. And I havent procrastinated very much either, also BITCHEN.
Movie night is canceled until about two weeks, sorry guys. Ive just been asking a lot of money from my dad. im gonna help by getting a job though.
Im going to a retreat in the mountains next weekend with the confirmation class, so thatll be fun I hope. Im kinda nervous / excited. :] And Christina, im gonna take thousands of pictures with you and the snow! lol.
Well for the past three days my little sister has made me laugh so much that I start to cry, thats soo awesome because I havent laughed like that in a long time and I really needed it. We were also sang the national anthem. I LOVE THE NATIONAL ANTHEM especially at baseball games. Haha, we were also jumping around to the song Shout by the temptations, that was super fun. And I listened to a lot of my favorite songs.
Today rocked. Best day so far.