Doctor and things!

Sep 01, 2010 23:55

Holy geeze, I've been in school 3 whole days and it's already taking its toll!  D: I'm a pansy all of a sudden!!!  Finished my first homework assignment of the semester, and it feels so strange, so very strange.  Being in Denmark gave me the feeling of not being in school for years, when in fact it's been roughly 3 months.  But it really feels like I haven't been to school in many years, and now i'm taking all these hard upper division classes and I'm feeling overwhelmed by all the stuff I'm going to have to complete by December, it's quite stressing really.

This semester i'm taking: experimental analysis of behavior (aka rat lab), advanced applied statistics for psychology, illusions, marine biology, and sailing.  Marine biology is going to be really super cool and fun, but also oh my god hard.  We've got a boat lab set up for this friday, on Monday we're going out at a low-low tide to do some intertidal research, next week we're going whale watching over the weekend, and then out lab will contain going out to commencement bay and snorkeling around.  But there is a price to pay in the sheet amount of studying that will be required to do well in the course D:

Alice, Jay, and I SUPER cleaned the house in the few days before school started.  The chick who was here over the summer, Bri, like totally trashed the house.  I'm talking like rotting food in the fridge, rancid tuna juice on the floor, old food caked to the stove, a literal pile of dirty dishes in the sink etc.  She also broke a window in the living room.  We had our landlord over today to fix a ton of stuff that went wrong over the summer and she didn't report, so now they're even worse.  I found out, she's staying here for the whole year, so if any shit like that starts again, i'm gonna yell at her to fucking clean up after herself.  Landlord had to recaulk the big window in the living room because she had kept leaning her bike against it and ended up popping it out of the frame a bit (we're assuming that's how she broke the other window).  Alice and I ALSO found out from the landlord today she hasn't even put in her security deposit and isn't even on the contract. THE FUCK!? How the hell did she get in the house without signing a contract, the hell happened when I was gone?!

Oh well, at least this Saturday I've got a fun suiting event lined up that I'm planning to go to in Redmond at some sort of Kid's Festival thingy.

Also have Rainfurrest right around the corner.   I was planning on having Leka's body done by then, which i really really want to happen, but I was not anticipating this level of work required for school, so who knows what's going to happen now with that.

On a nerdier note, I am COMPLETELY obsessed with Doctor Who!  That show is like crack.  I think i'm in need of an intervention.....or a doctor.  :D :D :D

TMI: I'm super effing horny, and my boy is 2 states away *wails*          *LJ icon totally and completely related* :D
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