Period 353: Onward, to the Future

Feb 26, 2012 05:16


Splash: Serialization begins again!  Only three chapters until the end!

Transcending time itself, back to the place of their parting…?!

Konoka: Uwaaaaaah…

Konoka: Asunaa…


Negi: Gh… uh…


Asuna: H-hey, this is…

Right after I left…

Other folks: Eh…

Asuna: I…

I’m back…


Eva: Wha-

Ayaka: Eh…


But didn’t you just… I mean…

Ch-Chao-san… and there are two Eva-sans…

Konoka: A…su…na?


Splash: All the memories we’ve made since meeting each other are shining beautifully!

[Heh, I love Paru’s pose.]


Konoemon: Mahora Academy Girls’ Middle School, Class 3-A!

Konoemon: Attendance number 1,

Aisaka Sayo!

Sayo: Present!

Students: Wait, who is that girl?

Wait, the ghost one?

Konoemon: Attendance number 2,

Akashi Yuuna!

Yuuna: Present!!

Chao: Ahahaha!


Chao: I figured something like this might crop up, so in addition to my time machines,

I took the liberty of putting together a Concurrent Dimensional Travel device, the ‘Tokaisa’ [kanji reads ‘degree world machine’, so I assume it has something to do with dimensional plane angling or something], in my spare time!

Well, truth be told it was really hard to make, but you know how it is.  [aside]Eva-chin’s magic really helped, too.[/aside]

Chamo: How much of a genius is this girl anyway?

Chao: Anyway, here’s how this worked out!

Right branch: Timeline before the change

Chao label: Future Chao Linshen

Arrow label: Dimension Hop Machine

Eva label: Eva after a hundred years

Asuna label 1: Asuna after a hundred years

Main line change: Timeline after the world changed by Negi’s plan

Second arrow label: Time Hop Machine

Asuna label 2: Asuna, returned home

Negi label: Present Negi

Bubble label: Present

Left arrow label: Present timeline

Negi: I- I see.

Setsuna: B-but Chao-san…

Asuna: And Eva-chan from a hundred years from now…

Why would you go this far for me…?

100-years Eva: Heh… I was asked by the man who broke your promise.

Chao: Yeah… and I was brought there by Eva-nyan’s power.

100-years Eva: …Anyway, such a serious role didn’t suit you.

An idiot like you should just pass her days with her stupid little friends, living out a pointless life… and only after a whole life like that…

…should you die, ordinarily, in your bed.


Asuna: Ah…

Negi: U-um, but…

Chao-san, future Eva-san…

Negi: To have come from a different timeline as us…

What’s going to happen to you?

Chao: Well, I’m gonna head back to my own world.  I’m happy just seeing this one.  [Bullshit, Chao.]

Well, I guess I can stay until graduation, anyway.

Eva: I think I’ll borrow Chao’s Tokaisa and do some sightseeing, maybe see if there are any leftover Nagis lying around.

If I ever start feeling nostalgic, I guess it wouldn’t hurt to stop in here every now and again.

Chao: Anyway, Negi-bouzu, we’re not the ones you should be worrying about.

Eva: Right.  The next century won’t be a walk in the park for you either.

Eva: Well, good luck or whatever.

I’m going now.

Chao: I’ll see you off.

Asuna: W-wait, Eva-chan!

The Ne… I mean, the guy from that place… what the heck happened to him?

I thought he was supposed to be the same as you, wasn’t he?

Could something bad happen in the future…?


Eva: Pfft… calm down.  That one died satisfied.  [aside] Though he didn’t have you around.[/aside]

The one over here… well, that depends on you.

Or perhaps… even after receiving such a miracle as this, you’re still worried about the future?

Asuna: Uh…

Eva: Oh, right.  Boya, one thing about the future.

A hundred years from now… everyone will know you as a Magister Magi.

Negi: Eh-

Eva: And not just the nonsense title the Megalo slobs bestow on the people who beat their little tests.

The old meaning…

The one that comes to people naturally, without having to be told.

In the truest sense, a Magister Magi.

Negi: Eh…


Negi: R-really?

T-the… The same as my father…?

[aside] Ma-Ma-Ma-Magister Ma-Ma-Ma…

Chao: That’s right, Negi-bouzu.

Eva: Well, I can’t say for sure if this timeline’ll line up the same way.

Especially looking at you right now.

Negi: Ah - no, th-this-!

Konoka: Ehehe.

Eva: Hey, Chao.

It might have been a mistake bringing Asuna back, eh?

Chao: Certainly.  I wonder if losing Asuna was the thing that really helped him to grow…

Chao: Hm… suddenly I’m very concerned about this timeline’s future.

Eva: That boya was so much better…

Negi & Asuna: Hey!

Negi: I’ll be just fine!

I’ll do wonderfully!

Asuna: So will I!  Nothing bad’s happening on my watch!

Eva: That’s the spirit.

Everything after this is up to you lot to decide.

Tomorrow is a blank page.


Eva: It’s the future you’ll all build together.

Go forth, brats.

To tomorrow.

Konoemon: …zaka Asuna.

Kagurazaka Asuna.

Misora: Heeey… you’ve been being called for like an hour now.

Asuna: Ah!

Konoemon: Class 3-A, attendance number 8.

Kagurazaka Asuna.

Asuna: P…



Fumika: Chao, Chao!  Do you really have to go home today?

Chao: Well… I didn’t really intend to stay such a long…

Fuuka: Oh, no!  You have to come on the graduation trip with us!

Hakase: Oh, what’s the harm in it, Chao-san?

Chao: Guess I have no choice, then!

Twins: Yaaaaay!

Asuna: The sakura are just busting out everywhere, aren’t they?

Negi: They really are.


Asuna: It’s almost too peaceful… it doesn’t feel right, you know?

Negi: It’s going to get harder from here on out.

Asuna: Hehe.

Asuna: Hearing about you being so awesome

Really makes me wonder if we have to worry at all.

Negi: Well, if we don’t try our hardest, none of that might happen.

Asuna: Oh, right…

Asuna: Well then, let’s do our best!

Negi: Right!

Asuna: Ehehe…

More im-por-tant-ly…

Negi: Eh…


Asuna: Who’s the girl you like?

Negi: Eh?!

Negi: N-no, I mean - that’s-!

Asuna: Oh, come on!  It’s okay if you tell me, isn’t it?

Asuna: I mean, I only worked a hundred… no wait, a hundred thirty years for you…

Eva-chan told me I should rest for at least a year, but no, I came back for you.

Wow, I’m really, really tired…

A hundred and thirty years of work for no reward at all…

Negi: …My most precious person is Asuna-san.

Asuna: Th-that’s nice, but still.

Asuna: Come on, tell your big sis.

I won’t tell anyone.

I promise.

Negi: Auu…

Negi: …I understand.  Please, really don’t tell anyone.

Chamo: A-Aniki?!  You’re seriously gonna tell her?!

Negi: Um… that is…


Chamo: Oh, come on, ane-san!  God, young people these days!  Let me hear it!

Negi: I…


Asuna: Eh…

Asuna: Eeeeeeh?!

Asuna: Wait wait wait wait, seriously?  Are you sure?  Seriously?!

Negi: I-I-I’m sure!

Asuna: Woooow!

Asuna: Aaaaaah, I seeeee~!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah…!

Wow, that’s backwards!  [Can’t figure this one.  ‘The passage of one week’, perhaps?]

Gee, I don’t know if I approve…

But really, if you started dating for real, I wonder what would happen…

And I guess in a way, you’re both pretty similar…

Negi: Aaah!  That’s why - I mean, um!  Asuna-saaan!

Chamo: Ane-san, who is it?!  Who is iiiit?!

Asuna: ...Right!

Asuna: You!  Get over there under the sakura - right under the World Tree -

Chamo: Oh geez, blood’s gonna rain from the skies.

Asuna: And you confess!  Give her a proper graduation!

Negi: I knew I shouldn’t have told you!


Fuuka: Heey!  What’re you talking about?

Fumika: Did someone say ‘confession’?

Ayaka: Confession?!

Makie: Oh, I know!  They say if you confess under the sakura at graduation, you’ll be together forever!

Yue: No, that’s just the World Tree.

Ayaka: What did you say?!

Ku Fei: Seriously?

Ayaka: A-anyway, I will not let you escape!

[Can’t read the middle.  Probably still Ayaka, though.]

Yuuna: This is turning into a right harem, isn’t it?!

Makie: Right!  Attendance number 16, Sasaki Makie.

I love Negi-kun.

Ayaka: We know that!

Yue: Do you have any shame at all?!

Chamo: Hey, ane-san.  Is this really okay?  They’re in for a nasty shock, you know.

Asuna: Hey, it’s not like that!

Well, I guess it might be,  but really.

Asuna: The future’s a blank page.

Anyone could have a chance.

You know?

Chamo: Well, maybe… but…

Negi: E-everyone, if you crowd around me like that, I… I… ah…

Asuna: Eh?

[Wait, didn’t we just call this as the End Four Pages?]


[Hoo boy, Chisame’s ass is [strike:fine] pissed.]

Asuna: …Really.

You rotten little…

Girls: Adeat!

Haruna: Oho, the bra’s left!

Asuna: On our precious graduation day…

Girls: As expected of Asuna!

[Yuuna.  Dat coat.]

Negi: Ee-

Girls: Hahaha!

Chachamaru: Master, a change of clothes.

Asuna: Punish him!

Eva: Heheheh… after all, if something like this didn’t happen I wouldn’t have been able to relax.

Chao: Nice and peaceful, eh?

Negi: Nooooo~


The beloved Class 3-A walks toward the bright, shining future.
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