Period 349: I Want To Protect Negi <3

Jan 09, 2012 21:21


Splash: With a kiss, the way will open and they’ll be safe!

Akira: Aaaah!  I can’t do it after all!

You’re just not supposed to do this kind of thing!

Chamo: Hey, hey, what gives?

Akira: There’s something seriously wrong with telling me to kiss Negi-kun to protect his innocence!

Not even if the world were ending!

Chamo: No, I get that, but you already promised to do it, yeah?

Don’t worry.  If you make a contract with Aniki, you’re bound to get something that’ll help you guys escape.

If he gets caught, though, you can count on it that they’ll make him spill his guts.

Chamo: Once he spits it out, there’s no puttin’ that back in, you understand?

What’s more important to ya, your own standards or yer classmates’ happiness?

Akira: Aaah…

Akira: B-but, I mean… for something like this… won’t Negi-kun object?

I mean… doing it with… me, that is.

Negi: N-no, not at all!  I wouldn’t have any objections at all!

If it was with you, Akira-san, then gladly…

Akira: Eh…



Chamo: Pactio!!

Splash: To safeguard his precious innocence, they become one <3

Akira: This is my card…

Spybot: *whirr*

Chamo: Geh!

Akira: Eh-

Negi: Ah-


Yuuna: Found ‘em!

Haruna: Over here!

Fuuka: Here they are!

Fumika: We’ve got them surrounded!

Akira: W-what should I do?!

Chamo: Call out ‘adeat’!

Akira: A…adeat!

Akira: What…?

Chamo: That’s probably an Artifact that lets you jump between bodies of water.

There’s a puddle over there.  Get in there!

Akira: …Understood!

Akira: Negi-kun!

Negi: R-right!

Haruna: Ah?!

Yuuna: They’re gone!

Fuuka: What?  What was that just now…?


Negi and Akira: Ah!

Akira: Ah… w-we really are in a completely different place…!

Girl 1: Huh?  Ookouchi-senpai?

Girl 2: And the kid teacher?!

Negi: T-that’s an amazing ability, Akira-san! [aside]Being able to teleport without any expenditure of magic is just…[/aside]

Yuuna: Sh-she can teleport?!  [aside]Since when?![/aside]

Kaede: I can sense the two of them in a swimming pool three hundred meters in that direction.

Kaede: I shall go see what I can see.

Asakura: Eh-

Yuuna and Haruna: Ooh!

Kaede: Ho!

Akira: Kya?!

Akira: Negi-kun!

Negi: Right!

Kaede: What?!


Akira: Haah!

Negi: The river?

Akira: Hah!

Th-this looks like someone’s bathtub…?

Chamo: This is great!  If we keep goin’ like this, they’ll never catch us!

Kaede: They’re teleporting continuously. [aside]The effective range appears to be around three hundred meters.[/aside]

Capturing them will prove difficult, I believe.

Yuuna: Damnit!  If this keeps up, we’re gonna run out of time and he’s gonna get away!

Fuuka: Eh, we lost?

Fumika: But I wanted to know who Negi-sensei likes…

Haruna: This is definitely a setback, I’m not gonna lie.

But if all of us use our powers together, who knows what’ll happen!

Yuuna: What, seriously?!  How are we gonna do that?

Fuuka: Yay!

Haruna: Heh heh heh… leave it to me.  First off, we need to contact people.  Chachamaru-san and Sakurako…

[aside]And if Eva-chan lends us a hand…[/aside]

Yuuna: Alright, Paru!

Haruna: …is what I had in mind.  Think you can manage it?

Chachamaru: Locate all the pools of water within Academy grounds?  It should be doable.

Haruna: Sweet!  When you’re done, send ‘em to Sakurako.

Haruna: Sakurako!  Great Goddess Sakurako, I’ve got a job for you!

Sakurako: Okay!

Misa: Hey.  If this is about finding out who he’s interested in, leave us out of it.

Haruna: Well, you know, that’s part of it…

Haruna: From what I’ve figured out, all the crap Yuuna and the others went through over the summer was because of your weird luck.

So, are you gonna help them out or not?!

Sakurako: Okay, okay!


Akira: It’s hot… Negi-kun, are you alright?

Negi: L-let’s move on!  [aside]This is the girls’ bath…[/aside]


Negi: M-Master?!  Why…?!

Eva: Well now… even I feel like lending my classmates a hand now and then.  And besides, I’ve heard that you…

Eva: Have got someone in mind, apparently?

Negi: Eh-

Negi: Well, I - mbuh?!

Eva: Now why on earth would you keep such a juicy story from me, boya?


Negi: No, whatever you heard was probably just a misunderstanding…

Eva: What are you saying?  This is a joyous occasion, isn’t it?

Come now, you can tell me.  That’s an order from your master.

Negi: Aaau~

Akira: W-what’s going on here?  It feels like those two have some seriously illicit relationship…

Akira: No!  Now’s not the time for that!

Akira: Gh!

Eva: Hm?

Akira: Rrrgh!


Eva: So, Ookouchi,

That’s your Artifact, huh?

Yue: No more of this!  We will not let you lay another hand on Negi-sensei!

Nodoka: If you want to know his true feelings, you’ll have to go through us first!

Haruna: Hell yeah!  Just like Sakurako said!

You’re not getting away this time!

Yuuna: Give it up!

Eva: Oho… are you propositioning me?

You little brats.


Yuuna: Fire!

Yuuna (casting): Mahou Kinshi Dan [Magic-Sealing Bullets]

Makie: Take this!

Yue: For So Cra Tica Socratica!

Yue: Limes Aerialis [Wind Boundary]

Nodoka: Nine o’clock, up above!  Sh-Shadow Stitching!

Yue: For So Cra Tica-

Kaede: Ha!

Yue: Flans Paries Aerialis [Blowing Wind Barrier]

Kaede: Nicely done, no?

Eva: Heh…

Eva: What’s with this sudden change of heart, Ayase Yue?  Miyazaki Nodoka?

Eva: Are you that afraid to know who the boya’s got his sights set on?


Eva: Are you that afraid of knowing who he likes… or that afraid of your current lukewarm efforts finally no longer being enough?  No…  it’d be fine as long as you were both dumped.

But if by chance one of you did win the boya’s heart… you’re afraid that it would shatter your friendship apart, huh?

Yue: N-

Nodoka: You’re wrong!

Haruna: No she’s not!

You two are gonna have to face this decision someday!

I’m not gonna let you two ignore what’s right in front of your faces any more!

Akira: This…

This isn’t right!

Akira: Makie!  Ako!

Negi-kun himself is saying he doesn’t want to tell us!

Akira: It’s true that Negi-kun is amazing in many ways, but in this respect, he’s still just a boy!

Don’t you have any pity for that?!

Eva: Shut your mouths, girls.  This is the end!

Lic Lac La Lac Lilac!

Eva: Hajike yo, kooreru ibuki!  [Burst forth, freezing breath!]

Nivis Kasus! [Ice Explosion]

Yue: Kh…!

I can’t stop a spell from someone of this caliber!


Eva: …Zazie Rainyday.  [And yet again, Zazie gets a wide-panel badass shot!]

Eva: Ah-

Eva: And…

Satsuki: Evangeline-san!

Eva: …Yotsuba Satsuki, huh.


Satsuki: To think that you of all people

Is acting so immature. [Oh god no furigana]

Eva: Uh… well, I mean, I’ve been alive for a long time.

I don’t really care if people call me immature.  And what’s wrong with cutting loose once in a while when I feel like-

Satsuki: Negi-sensei has only been alive for ten years.

Eva: Oh, come on.

Um… anyway, why exactly are you getting involved this time?

Satsuki: Negi-kun has already given up his freedom.

Even if he is working to fulfill his dream,

It’s cruel.

Yue: Evangeline-san is…

Nodoka: Yotsuba-san is amazing…

Satsuki: To a boy like him, that is the only remaining secret in his heart.

A small, faint feeling.

Understanding that, what use are we if we don’t protect it?


Eva: Uh…

Well, I…

Zazie: A mere boy of ten years having sacrificed all that he is to the world…

Truly an ashen resolution.  The tale of his adventures ends in failure… that seems like a result that would normally quite please you.

And yet you remain unsatisfied, Lady Dark Evangel.

Eva: N-no…

Well, that’s true, but…

Satsuki: Besides, Evangeline-san.

If you force him to tell you…

What will you do if the one he likes is you?

Eva: What?

Eva: Pfft… Ha!  Ahahahaha!  No, no, no, no!  Not a chance in hell!

Hahaha!  Oh, that’s brilliant!

For that boy to have-?  With me?  Ahahahaha!

Yuuna: Eh?

Eva: What?

Yuuna: Wait… you don’t think so?

Haruna: More like, you seem surprised by that…? [Can’t read the aside.]

Eva: Uh… no, I can’t be.  Right?

Yuuna: Well, when you look back on Negi-kun’s reactions, it’s a little…

Haruna: Seems like they’re a little much, you know? [Can’t read this one either.]

Haruna: Gah!  Enough with the chatter!

That’s not the point!


Haruna: You’re wrong, Satsuki-chan!

This isn’t for Negi-kun’s sake no matter how you look at it!

Haruna: This is for the sake of all the girls whose feelings he crushed when he ran off to the other side!

Haruna: Negi-kun!

We’re serious here!

Haruna: Right?!

Yuuna: R-right, I guess!

Makie: W-well, yeah, I guess…

Ako: I mean, it’s understandable…

Ako: It’ll just feel wrong if we force him to tell us who he likes, right?

Haruna: What the hell?!  Who cares?!  It’ll all be settled!

Yuuna: Get it together already!

Asuna: Alright, hold it right there!

Haruna: Gyaaa!


Haruna: Asuna!  And… Hakase?!

Hakase: I thought this sort of thing might happen!

So I took the liberty of bringing along a decisive piece of evidence for when you lot couldn’t decide whether to find out or not!

Asakura: Isn’t that… Chao Linshen’s secret weapon, the family tree?!

I thought that was burned?!

Hakase: Come on, keeping a backup copy is basics!

Hakase: That’s right!  This is a record of Negi-sensei’s future.  It shows who he gets married to, among other things!

If we just read this, you won’t have to force it out of Negi-kun!

Hakase: Now, look to your heart’s content!

Yue: Wait…

Nodoka: No! [I note she’s actually covering her eyes, while Yue’s not.]

Text: Negi


Yue: It…

Nodoka: It’s blank…?

Hakase: Correct!

After the trip Negi-sensei took with you all,

The future has changed!

What will happen in the future of this timeline, no one on earth can say now.

Asuna: The future is blank.

Meaning, everyone has a chance… or something like that, you know?

Splash: The contest for Negi will never end?!

The next issue of Negima will be released on January 25th.
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