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Comments 24

davesmusictank July 21 2015, 05:13:49 UTC
Fantastic artwork, esp being a Buffy fan.


red_satin_doll July 21 2015, 05:35:41 UTC
Thank you so much for noticing, I appreciate the feedback!


feliciacraft July 21 2015, 05:35:58 UTC
Beautiful! I think 6 is my favorite, but it's really hard to choose. Depends on the situation and the mood, I'd think. :)


red_satin_doll July 21 2015, 06:23:21 UTC
Thank you hon! I made several versions of #6, including the textless one that's Gabrielle's favorite.


aadler July 21 2015, 05:55:16 UTC
Beautiful work. I may end up consulting you for ideas/tips regarding a banner for a Joyce fic of my own.


red_satin_doll July 21 2015, 06:24:29 UTC
I'd be delighted to help! Anything for Joyce :D


aadler July 22 2015, 16:18:50 UTC
Okay, here goes.

A few years ago, I had … what? one story banner, maybe two. Loved them, but still it only made me hungry for what I knew was possible. Then suddenly things changed, through luck and generosity and fortuitous parenting (my daughter sroni has done over a dozen banners for me). Now, bolstered by three banners from the Spike-happy comlodge and four fantastic ones from blondebitz, over a third of my Buffyfic output is represented, with more to come as sroni continues to address the backlog.

The problem just now is one particular story. “ All Ye Who Enter” seems to call for precisely the kind of blend in images and backgrounds and textures that you turned out for velvetwhip, and that kind of thing just isn’t in my daughter’s skill-set. Except, of course, that this is Joyce and Angelus, which makes for something of a different mix.

Anything you could offer would be deeply appreciated.


red_satin_doll July 22 2015, 21:32:22 UTC
Sroni's your daughter? Cool, I did not know that.

So you'd like me to produce a banner? I may be able to do that. I will read the story and then let you know.


velvetwhip July 21 2015, 06:38:47 UTC
You already know how powerfully effective and magical I think these banners and icons are, but I'm saying it again, because I can't express in too many words how extraordinary your work is and how grateful I am that you put your talent in the service of illustrating my writing!



red_satin_doll July 21 2015, 07:21:11 UTC
"in service" is the perfect phrase Gabrielle; consider me your humble handmaiden! Your prose moved and inspired me and your feedback constantly encourages and challenges me, I can't begin to show my gratitude for your friendship sufficiently. A few pictures seems a small gift in exchange.


molek322 July 21 2015, 07:14:04 UTC



red_satin_doll July 21 2015, 07:22:16 UTC


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