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starry_night has kindly extended the deadline for
btvsats20in20 Round 9 to Friday the 15 - and as usual, I'm the only person who hasn't submitted her stuff. *le sigh* (It's my job and the barometric pressure that gave me a massive headache and I can't find things because I had to move all my images...Excuses, I has 'em
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They are SO BEAUTIFUL! I actually left a comment in the proper post, I think. And ... nothing, I just found my new favorite icon. But I actually don't know if I prefer this version I'm using now with the violet and red or the all black and white one. Maybe I'll stick with this one because I really love the coloring, but as a person who generally doesn't pick b&w icons that icon is simply amazing. So at this point I'm going to stick with this one as default icon.
You mentioned that before and that's really interesting, I wouldn't have made that association. Is it because of the climate you live in (I assume you're warm in Italy, unless you're in the Alps), because the physical actions of shivering from cold is similar to trembling from fear; or an experience or personal trauma?
Idk, I think because when I'm really, really afraid I start trembling and I get very cold (Which is the natural body reaction to protect the most important organs) But terror could cause also the opposite reaction, when you feel your body on fire because of adrenaline. Which I guess it's correct considering Buffy.
Oh don't ask me how can people do all these icons XD You're actually very productive, IMO!
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