Pimp Like the Wind, Part 2: Vote in Round 5 of btvsats20in20

Nov 17, 2014 23:01

The voting posts are up NOW for Round 5 of btvsats20in20 and this round things are a bit different. This round the voting is broken down into four posts. The first three parts are broken down by groups of entrants, chronologically, and we vote on the top 3 icons for each individiual artist within their own sets (not competing against each other).  The artists can vote for their favorites/best 3 of their own sets.

Part 1         Part 2         Part 3

Part 4 is where we vote for our top 5 sets out of the total 11 that were submitted; this time the artists cannot vote for their own sets.
(Which seems really really obvious when I give it about half a second's thought but was not quite so obvious at 1am in the morning after spending a ridiculous amount of time trying to decide on my "three best"; or at 8am this morning before I'd had two decent cups of black tea.  Oops.)

Thank you to everyone who stopped in and gave me really wonderful feedback on my set. Nearly every one of my icons has been named by at least one person as a favorite. This makes me ridiculously happy because I like to think it's a sign that my consistency and quality are improving overall.  But I don't know that other artists have gotten the amount of feedback I have (because my friends are the creme de la creme of awesome-sauce) so by all means vote in parts 1-4 and show your love and appreciation for individual icons.

[More thinky thoughts a-coming your way....]

I actually felt weird voting for three of my own set - it sounded more fun than it was in practice because I'm pretty happy with most of them. So 1 & 10 got my votes because, duh, but the third one took forever to decided. (And I actually don't remember what my third choice was. I could have picked any and been pretty happy.)

And trying to winnow down to my top 5 sets in Part 4 this time around was a freakin' nightmare - and I mean as in Buffy trying to take a test and staring at a blank page in Nightmares nightmare. Or was that just me?

It's really nifty to see that there are at least fifteen people have voted thus far, which is already more than the number of artists who participated, so yay and thank you to everyone who has already cast their votes, and everyone who has pimped this round! And since I think it's not unreasonable to see at least, oh, I don't know, 25 participants including artists - baby steps, y'all, baby steps - here I am, doing my part to rock the vote.

Honestly I see no reason why there couldn't be 100 voters, especially when I read down the long and delightlfully exhausting list of nominees at the Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction awards, but I get that 1) LJ is somewhat of a niche and 2) I think visual artists are more likely to feel comfortable voting in fiction awards than the other way around on the balance. The whole "art is mysterious and I don't know anything about art because my mom/dad/Uncle Charles/ 3rd grade teacher etc etc said so" headtrip. Which visual artists have to take responsibility for perpetuating over the centuries to make what we do more "legitimate" to the Christian Church or modern capitalist Western society.  (Represented by our friends and family who ask "When are you going to get a  real job?")

If such voices still haunt you - tell them to STFU in a firm, clear voice, as often as necessary. Or, send them my way and I'll be glad to do it for you. But it's so much more empowering when you tell them off yourself, trust.

pimping, fandom: btvs, art gallery, icon(ic) thinky thoughts, links, icon challenge, my flist is awesome, comm: btvsats20in20, form: icons

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